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Chapter 124: Utaha Wants to Stir Things Up


With a disgruntled expression, Alice, accompanied by the absent-minded Ryo Kurokiba, strolled toward the shoreline, leaving behind her mother's unyielding indifference.

"Truly hopeless with her. Ryo-kun, let's go."

Her mother's behavior was simply exasperating, and Alice had decided to seek out Erina.

"La la la, young and robust lads, it's been a while since I've seen any," Leonora mused, propping her chin up with one hand, her words carrying a certain suggestive tone.

At this juncture, everyone had congregated on the beach.

Observing the girls grouped in pairs or threes, Hachiman also rose and headed toward the sea.

As he walked along the shore, the fine sand beneath his feet felt neither rough nor abrasive but rather soft, akin to a comfortable quilt.

Standing by the sea and gazing into the distance, the water and sky seemed to meld into one, with a faintly saline sea breeze wafting over, generating frothy waves that crashed upon nearby rocks, shattering like scattered jade.

Some girls were playfully chasing each other, while others huddled together in whispered conversation. Some lay on lifebuoys to rest, each one savoring the enchanting moments bestowed by this picturesque beach.

The melodious laughter of the girls was a delight to the ears, and their swimsuit-clad figures were truly a sight to behold.

It was undeniably a paradise for any man by the sea, a place where one could openly revel in the timeless beauty of the surroundings. The captivating forms of a dozen or so girls unfolded one by one before Hachiman's eyes, making the journey to the beach thoroughly worthwhile.

Entertainment options at the beach were rather straightforward, revolving around swimming, sandcastle building, and beach volleyball.

Swimming required no further elaboration. In the midst of this scorching summer, submerging oneself in the refreshing sea was an undoubted pleasure.

Playing in the sand encompassed either burying friends in the soft grains or constructing intricate sandcastles.

The girls, in high spirits, were fully embracing their beach experience. Some frolicked in pursuit of each other, while others formed tight-knit circles to share secrets. A select few reclined on lifebuoys, each one cherishing the idyllic moments on the beach.

As for beach activities, the options remained limited—swimming, sandcastle building, and beach volleyball. And to clarify, beach volleyball referred to the genuine sport played with an actual beach ball, not any peculiar spherical objects.

For example, Yui and Yumiko engaged in a playful water fight, splashing each other with abandon. The glistening droplets cascading down their figures accentuated their graceful curves.

Alice chose to venture into the sea, seemingly channeling her frustrations toward her mother. Meanwhile, Ryo Kurokiba sat idly by the shoreline, seemingly lost in his own thoughts.

Erina and Hisako found relaxation in their swim rings, savoring their leisurely time.

Komachi and Kokoro knelt in the sand, diligently sculpting intricate sandcastles. Meanwhile, Kotonoha offered guidance, her occasional bending over to refine the sandcastle's details becoming a focal point.

In that very moment, the girl's alluring curves were positioned directly within Hachiman's line of sight, their enticing roundness akin to ripe peaches.

Sensing Hachiman's gaze, Kotonoha blushed and quickly adjusted her posture to a more demure one, crossing her legs.

"What's the matter, Onee-san?" Kokoro inquired, noticing her sister's peculiar reaction.

"N-Nothing," she stammered in response to her younger sister's question, still feeling a lingering sense of embarrassment.

Kokoro, mildly perplexed by her sister's earlier behavior, resumed constructing their sandcastle.

However, her curiosity got the better of her when she noticed Hachiman's gaze directed their way. A knowing expression briefly crossed her face, but without overtly acknowledging it, she refocused on their sandy creation.

Meanwhile, Hachiman felt somewhat at a loss, uncertain of his next move. It was at that precise moment that Utaha approached him with a leisurely stride. In her hand, she held a bottle of sunscreen, her eyes glinting mischievously as she smiled and said, "Hachiman-kun, would you be so kind as to help me with some sunscreen?"

Sunscreen was an absolute necessity when spending time at the beach, guarding the skin against the harsh sun's rays. The intense beachside sunlight only made its application all the more vital. While it might seem like she was requesting assistance, it was more akin to asking for a favor.

A woman asking a man to apply sunscreen was often seen as an opportunity to get a little closer and engage in some playful teasing. Nonetheless, it was a request that proved difficult to decline.

The mischievous glint in the girl's eyes left no doubt that she harbored plans for some playful mischief, and when it came to the application of sunscreen, it was a request that bordered on the irresistible.

In that moment, the other girls remained deeply engrossed in their own pleasures, with only a few casting intermittent glances in their direction.

"Very well," Hachiman's response carried an unspoken message: "I won't shy away from a touch of audacity."

Utaha couldn't help but be mildly taken aback by his immediate agreement. She had anticipated Hachiman might decline her request.

Yet, given that the words were already spoken, and in light of her own personality, she had no intention of backing down. She reclined on a nearby beach chair, deftly unfastening the straps, her cheeks bearing a faint blush as she spoke.

"Come on, Hachiman."

Clutching the sunscreen, she strolled over to the beach chair's side, regarding him from a higher vantage point.

Her skin was as smooth and fair as condensed milk, and her long, jet-black hair cascaded down her chest, unveiling her flawless back. Below that lay a slender waist, followed by the alluring roundness of her buttocks, and ultimately, her curvaceous, well-toned thighs. There was not a hint of excess fat on her graceful figure.

Observing this tableau, Hachiman couldn't help but appreciate the wisdom of reserving a private beach. If others were to witness this spectacle, he would undoubtedly find himself in an uncomfortable predicament.

With the girl lying face down, her bosom gently pressed against the sand, the alluring sight was further accentuated.

"Hachiman, have you seen enough? Please assist me with the sunscreen. I really want to avoid getting sunburned," Utaha said, her cheeks tinted with a faint blush as she sensed Hachiman's gaze. At this juncture, she couldn't help but feel a tad bashful. After all, she was a seasoned pro when it came to playful teasing.

"Of course," Hachiman agreed.

With a nod, Hachiman proceeded to rub the sunscreen between his hands. As he contemplated the prospect of applying this creamy lotion to the girl's body, a subtle sense of anticipation coursed through him.

After a moment of gentle rubbing, Hachiman positioned his hands on Utaha's back.

"Ah..." Barely making contact with Utaha's back, she released a seductive moan.

"Hachiman, it's a bit cool. Please go slower," she quivered as she spoke.

"Alright, I'll be more deliberate," Hachiman affirmed, his hands moving with gentleness along her back.

Utaha had little choice but to remain still on the beach chair, permitting him to continue. Yet, as Hachiman's hands traversed her back, a peculiar notion began to form in her mind.

Even though she was feeling embarrassed, she also wanted him to continue touching her...

On Hachiman's side, he couldn't suppress a sense of quiet satisfaction. He had to concede that the girl's skin was exceptional—exquisitely smooth and silky to the touch, akin to the finest silk. Applying sunscreen to her was akin to a luxurious experience.

Soon, her back was adequately coated with sunscreen, and he was poised to shift to a different area.

"Utaha, I'm moving to another area now."


With the girl's acquiescence, Hachiman's hands embarked on a journey downward, swiftly arriving at her slender waist.



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