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As Senzaemon Nakiri embarked on the tasting, Soue Nakiri and Leonora on either side eagerly followed suit. The trio selected a shrimp dumpling each, savoring the entire piece as they dug into the dish.
As their teeth sunk into the dumplings, the countenances of these three seasoned gourmands betrayed expressions of pure delight.

Among the two burly men, even Leonora, with her stunning visage, bore a captivating flush on her cheeks. Occasionally, she emitted tantalizing moans that might lead one to think she was engaged in something rather indecent...

"The soft and glutinous texture of the dumpling skin crafted from potato starch, combined with the springy and firm shrimp meat, creates a perfect contrast!"

"Furthermore, there's a layer of diluted potato starch paste added to the shrimp meat filling, which not only enhances the shrimp's freshness but also makes the filling more compact, elevating the shrimp's texture."

"Finally, this sauce thickened with potato starch. It significantly increases the viscosity of the sauce, allowing it to meld better with the filling and dumpling skin. Truly befitting of Erina."

Suddenly, Leonora, who had previously struggled with Japanese pronunciation, fluently delivered this extended praise with impeccable pronunciation.

And it wasn't just her; even Soue Nakiri and Senzaemon Nakiri showered high praise upon the dish.

Observing this, Erina wore a triumphant smile. In her eyes, she had already secured victory and could finally avenge her previous defeat.

With a regal smile, Erina rested her fingers on her chin as she fixated her gaze on Hachiman, who had yet to present his dish.

However, Hachiman's demeanor remained entirely composed, exuding an air of confidence.

Now, it was time for Hachiman's culinary creation to undergo scrutiny.

He positioned the three servings of his dish in front of the judges and generously offered one serving each to Alice and Ryo, who were observing nearby.

Upon seeing that Hachiman had prepared a dish for her as well, Alice's opinion of him improved somewhat.

Hachiman then placed the last two servings in front of Erina and Hisako.

"If you don't mind, please give it a try," Hachiman graciously invited as he unveiled the dish. "Everyone, please savor my Cloud Dragon Lobster."

Observing the plate adorned with a solitary lobster, the candid Alice couldn't resist a remark. "Hey, since it's fried lobster, where's the sauce? I don't see any sauce."

"Please rest assured; there is sauce, and you'll discover it after tasting," Hachiman responded with a mysterious smile.

It was Senzaemon Nakiri who astutely deduced what was transpiring. He employed a knife and fork to pierce the entire piece of lobster meat. As the batter was breached, a luscious sauce began to flow forth, carrying a gentle, creamy aroma intertwined with the fragrance of the lobster.

A somewhat viscous white sauce gracefully enrobed the lobster meat's surface, with the outer layer adorned in a delicate coat of crushed walnuts.

"Indeed, the sauce is inside?" Senzaemon Nakiri's eyes sparkled with intrigue.

"That's correct; please go ahead and taste it."

With anticipation building, each judge skillfully plucked a piece of lobster meat using their utensils. As they indulged in the crispy texture of the walnut-coated batter, their eyes widened in delight.

"This sauce is slightly sweet, is it chocolate sauce?"

"It should also have skim milk, so although the texture is somewhat thick, it's not overly heavy. It's reminiscent of... mousse."

"And within this milk chocolate mousse, you can distinctly discern the delectable essence of the lobster meat. So, that's why it's called 'Cloud Dragon Lobster.' Impressive!"

"But, since it's deep-fried, how does the sauce hold up so well? Just relying on the walnut batter crumbs wouldn't achieve this, right?" Senzaemon Nakiri harbored some doubts.

Hachiman responded with a faint smile, "You're absolutely right; relying solely on the batter wouldn't suffice. I used a thin layer of tofu skin to envelop the sauce and lobster meat, followed by a coating of walnut batter before deep-frying it. This technique preserves the sauce beautifully."

"I see, the lobster meat is shrouded in clouds, represented by the tofu skin and sauce, much like a hidden dragon within the clouds."

"Yes, the sweet essence of skim milk, enhanced by the lobster's natural flavors. The sweetness of the milk chocolate mousse, the freshness of the lobster meat, and that subtle bitterness from the walnut batter crumbs—it's akin to the finishing touch that elevates the entire dish."

Listening to the generous praise lavished upon Hachiman's dish by the three judges, he couldn't help but offer a faint, modest smile.

Following the tasting of both dishes, the atmosphere in the room became somewhat awkward. The women present still bore a charming flush on their faces, their already captivating allure heightened by the occasional seductive moans. It created a scene that could easily be described as sensual.

However, before long, everyone returned to their senses, and Erina's expression took on a less pleasant note.

"Your cooking skills have improved too?!" Erina's voice held a note of incredulity as she sensed a level of culinary expertise in Hachiman's fried lobster dish that far surpassed his previous Lobster Thermidor creation. It was evident that this Hachiman had also made significant strides in his culinary prowess.

In response to Erina's words, Hachiman scratched his head, appearing somewhat embarrassed as he replied, "Uh, it's just that my cooking skills improved a bit recently."

Improved... just improved a bit, seriously?

Observing his bashful expression, Erina nearly felt compelled to slam the plate in his face. She had believed that her own culinary skills, which had earned her a prestigious spot among the Elite Ten, would secure her victory against him. Yet, she hadn't anticipated that Hachiman's cooking abilities had also made considerable strides.

Wait a minute, she hasn't lost yet...

That's right, the final judging result had yet to be announced. Everything remained shrouded in uncertainty.

Though Erina felt the weight of nervousness settling upon her, Hachiman appeared rather nonchalant. This competition lacked the formalities of a Shokugeki, and there were no significant stakes involved. Winning or losing held relatively little significance to him.

"Alright, both sides have concluded their tasting. Now it's time for the judgment. If you believe one side's dish surpasses the other, push their plate forward. Let's begin."

Senzaemon Nakiri's words set the stage for the final verdict, and the three judges proceeded to make their choices.

In unison, they all pushed forward the plate representing Hachiman's dish.

"Very well, the result is in. It's 3-0! Hachiman wins."

Senzaemon Nakiri, the head judge, announced the outcome. Once again, it was Hachiman who emerged victorious.

In response to this verdict, a moment of silence fell among those present, with even the typically lively Alice growing still.

While it had been mentioned that Erina had previously lost to Hachiman, there was a considerable difference between hearing about it and witnessing it firsthand. Furthermore, Hachiman repeatedly emphasized that his earlier triumph had been a fluke—a stroke of luck. Yet now, he had secured victory once more.

If the score had been 2:1 or something close, one might argue that luck played a role. However, a decisive 3:0 outcome left no room for doubt—a clear and undeniable gap in skill had been revealed.

Indeed, the unanimous decision by Senzaemon, Soue Nakiri, Leonora and even Alice served as a resounding confirmation that they all believed Hachiman's culinary prowess had surpassed Erina's.


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