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Chapter 482: Bastard, How Dare You Cheat on Me Right in Front of My Eyes!

Soon, the group exited the haunted house.

“Thank goodness, we finally got out! I was scared to death back there.”

As soon as they emerged, Yui let out a sigh of relief.

It wasn't just her; even Yumiko and Saki felt the same.

Oh, and we have to include Tobe, who had a look of having narrowly escaped death on his face.

On the other hand, Saika smiled, "I actually found it quite fun. We should go to a haunted house together again sometime."

Hearing this, Yui quickly waved her hands, "Saika, you're used to watching horror movies. We can't handle it."

At this moment, Hayama, who had also calmed down, spoke up.

“It looks like everyone had a great time. We should head back now.”

No one objected, so they continued to the next attraction.

Arriving at Ryōan-ji, they entered the hōjō, where they could see the famous rock garden.

Here, Hachiman saw a familiar figure.

A slender figure with long black hair was sitting on the wooden veranda of the rock garden.

Hachiman walked over and sat down beside her.

“The rock garden has another name, 'A Tiger Carrying Cubs Across A Pond Or Of Islands In A Sea.' Is that why you came here, Yukino?”

Yes, the figure was indeed Yukino.

Hearing the familiar voice, the girl looked slightly surprised.

"Ah, I was just wondering how this place resembles a tiger."

"In fact, this story comes from a piece called 'Miscellaneous Knowledge of Gui and Xin,' specifically the tale 'A Tiger Leads Its Cubs Across the Water.' It tells of a mother tiger safely ferrying her cubs across a river in three trips, using this metaphor to signify the arduous journey of Zen practice. There aren’t any actual tigers involved." With his hands propped on the wooden veranda behind him, Hachiman explained casually.

After hearing his explanation, Yukino nodded in understanding, but then she heard voices of admiration...

“Wow, so that’s what it means. Hikigaya-kun, you’re amazing to know such an obscure reference.”

The girls sitting beside Yukino looked at him with admiration.

Because they were divided into groups today, Yukino was naturally not there alone. The voice just now came from a classmate in her group.

As for how they knew Hachiman’s name...

Isn’t it obvious?

After his piano performance at the cultural festival and his solo run during the sports festival, how many girls in the school hadn’t heard of Hachiman’s name?

It’s not just the girls; even among the boys, Hachiman’s fame wasn’t small.

In response to their praise, Hachiman merely smiled lightly.

At that moment, Yui also walked over.

“Oh, Yukinon, what a coincidence.”

“Mm, Yui, good afternoon.”

Seeing Yui, Yukino also smiled and then stood up, speaking to Hachiman.

“Let’s go talk somewhere else.”

Hachiman naturally had no objections, and they called Yui over, the three of them heading to another courtyard.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t help this time.” Yukino said apologetically.

Hearing her apology, Yui quickly waved her hands, “It’s okay, Yukinon. After all, you’re not in the same class as us.”

“How are things going on your side?” Yukino asked.

At this, Yui’s face turned quite gloomy, “Not well at all. Hina is still the same; she has no feelings for Tobe.”

“That’s normal, isn’t it? Ebina has always said she has no feelings for Tobe. Feelings aren’t something that develop in just a day or two.” Hachiman shrugged.

“Besides, seeing how Tobe has acted these past few days, if you were Ebina, Yui, would you like him?”

Hearing this, Yui didn’t hesitate at all and shook her head directly.

Yukino looked curious, “Has Tobe been behaving poorly?”

Yui gave an awkward smile and then recounted Tobe's actions over the past two days to Yukino.

After hearing Yui's account, Yukino sighed.

Just as she had assessed earlier, Tobe was utterly inept, merely a noisy character who knew how to liven up the atmosphere.

“It looks like there's no hope for this. Now we have to think about how to wrap this up.”

With no other choice, Yukino decided to give up on the unreliable Tobe.

Because, as Hachiman had said, feelings cannot be forced. If someone doesn't like another person, a few days of interaction won't change that.

Yui spoke up worriedly, “Yeah, if Tobe actually confesses, it’ll make things really awkward between him and Hina.”

“Leave it to me. I’ll put an end to this farce,” Hachiman said with determination.

However, hearing his words, both girls looked worried.

They feared Hachiman might use a self-sacrificing method to solve the problem again.

As if sensing their concerns, Hachiman smiled, “Don’t worry, I won’t use that approach again. Tobe is not worth it.”

“But we need to first confirm Tobe’s attitude. If he’s willing to give up, everything will go smoothly.”

“You two go ahead and chat. I’ll go find Hayama to get an update.”

Hearing this, Yukino and Yui encouraged Hachiman.

“Alright, we’ll leave it to you.”

“Good luck, Hikki.”

Hachiman smiled, then turned and left.

By a bridge, Hachiman sent a text message to Hayama on his phone.

Unlike in the original story, this Hachiman had Hayama’s contact information.

Before long, Hayama approached.

“Why did you call me out?”

Hachiman got straight to the point, “I want to ask how your talk with Tobe went. He should know by now that Ebina isn't interested in him, right? Is he still insisting on confessing?”

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on Hayama’s face.

“I just talked to him. He said that even though he knows his chances of success are slim, he still wants to try, at least to avoid any regrets.”

“Hah, what a stubborn guy,” Hachiman chuckled lightly.

“I got it. Leave the rest to me.”

“What are you planning to do?” Hayama quickly asked, not wanting anyone to get hurt.

“Don't worry, I’ll just let Tobe inadvertently find out about Ebina’s current feelings. I won’t have him face direct rejection,” Hachiman shrugged.

Hearing this, Hayama also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as it's not a direct rejection, their relationship can still be maintained.

It's like a thin paper window; even if you can see through it, as long as you don’t break it, it still serves its purpose.

“Alright, I’ll go make the necessary arrangements. Leave the rest to me.” With that, Hachiman turned and left.

Hayama thanked him again, “Everything is up to you.”

Hachiman just waved without looking back.


In another quiet courtyard with a deer scare, Hachiman used his phone to call Yumiko over.

Before long, Yumiko arrived, a bit annoyed.

“What do you want, calling me out like this? Hina and I were having a great conversation.”

“Come, sit down first,” Hachiman patted the wooden floor beside him.

The girl sat down next to him as he requested.

“What’s up? Speak.”

Looking at Yumiko beside him, Hachiman put his arm around her waist, and she didn’t resist, instead leaning on his shoulder.

“You’ve probably noticed something these past few days, right?”

“Noticed what?”

Yumiko blinked, then thought of something, her expression turning unhappy.

“You mean the ambiguous relationship between you and Kawasaki? You bastard, cheating on me right in front of my eyes!”

What the heck is this? There’s nothing ambiguous between Saki and me.

Hearing her words, Hachiman couldn’t help but twitch his mouth.

“That’s what you think? Saki and I have nothing going on.”

“Yeah, right, Saki…”

Yumiko just pouted at his explanation.

“So, what are you talking about then?”

Hachiman sighed and explained Tobe’s plan to confess to Ebina.

“Hah, with Tobe’s personality, he wants to chase after Hina?”

After hearing Hachiman’s explanation, Yumiko’s face showed clear disdain.

It seems Tobe really doesn’t attract girls.

Hachiman twitched his mouth again, then listened as Yumiko continued.

“But Hina doesn’t seem interested in romance. I’ve tried setting her up with guys before, but she rejected all of them.”

Hachiman nodded, “Ebina also mentioned this to me. She doesn’t like Tobe but doesn’t want their relationship to become awkward after rejecting his confession, so she asked me for advice.”

“What’s your plan?” Yumiko asked.

“That’s why I came to you for help,” Hachiman shrugged.

“I need you to help me act out a scene tonight.”

“What kind of scene?” Yumiko became interested.

“Tonight, I’ll lead Tobe near your room. Then you leave the door slightly open and discuss romance with Ebina. Make sure Ebina explicitly says she’s not interested in romance and won’t accept any confessions. That should do it,” Hachiman explained his plan.

“If Tobe hears Ebina’s stance on romance, he should give up the idea of confessing.”

“Hm, that sounds like a plan. Leave it to me,” Yumiko nodded.

Seeing her agree, Hachiman smiled, but with a hint of mischief, “Thanks, Yumiko. Now it’s time for your reward.”

With that, he kissed her on her alluring lips.


Yumiko only managed a small gasp before the rest of her words were silenced.

Though surprised by Hachiman’s sudden move, she didn’t resist much and even started to cooperate, trying to take the initiative, only to be firmly overpowered by Hachiman.

In the late autumn season, the courtyard was quiet, with only the occasional sound of the deer scare echoing in the serene and peaceful atmosphere.


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