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Chapter 455: Young People Need More Exercise

Festivals seem to be arriving one after another.

Not long after the cultural festival ended, Hachiman and his classmates were greeted with the sports festival.

Although it's called a sports festival, it’s essentially just a small-scale school sports day.

Having perhaps enjoyed the success of the recent cultural festival, the student council president, Meguri Shiromeguri, came to the Service Club today to ask for help.

Sliding open the clubroom door, President Meguri cheerfully greeted the three members inside.

"Hello, sorry to intrude."

Seeing Meguri, Yukino, as the president of the Service Club, naturally asked, "Shiromeguri-senpai, is there something we can help you with?"

"Ah, yes. I have a favor to ask." With her hands clasped together, Meguri revealed her request.

"Recently, the school administration decided to hold a new sports festival."

"A sports festival? Is that the one we were notified about a few days ago?"

Upon hearing this, Yukino and Yui were somewhat surprised.

Meguri nodded, "Yes, that's the one. The administration believes that good health is essential, and exercise is a key part of that."

"That's true. Proper exercise is indeed important," Yukino agreed, nodding.

However, a troubled look appeared on Meguri's face. "But because of this, the administration has tasked the student council with organizing the event.

"Apart from the traditional sports events, we can't come up with any good ideas. I went to Hiratsuka-sensei, who is also responsible for this event, and she recommended that I come here for help."

"So, here I am… hehe…" Meguri finished with an awkward laugh.

After all, this should have been the student council's responsibility, and now she was passing it off to Hachiman and his friends, which wasn't ideal.

After hearing Meguri's explanation, the three members of the Service Club felt a bit helpless.

So it was Hiratsuka-sensei's doing again.

"Please, can you help us?" Meguri pleaded with her hands clasped together, looking earnestly at the three of them.

Seeing this, Hachiman turned his gaze to Yukino, as she was the official president of the Service Club.

"Yukino, what do you think?"

After hearing this, Yukino began to ponder.

Seeing this scene, Meguri looked at Yukino and Hachiman expectantly. After all, their performance at the cultural festival was still fresh in her memory. If they could help out this time, the sports festival would surely be a success.

As for Yui...

Well, having one more person to help wouldn't hurt!

Yukino pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

"Alright, we'll help you."

After all, she established the Service Club with the purpose of helping others.

"Really? That's great!"

Seeing the girl's agreement, Meguri cheered softly.

Although she was already a third-year student, Hachiman always felt that this senpai was like a child.

But before she could fully rejoice, Yukino spoke again.

"However, we'll only provide ideas. The actual organization will still depend on you."

"Okay, no problem."

After hearing Yukino's request, Meguri nodded repeatedly. She hadn't planned to shift all the responsibility onto Hachiman and the others. After all, this was originally the student council's responsibility, so it was only right for them to contribute.

"Let's work together then! Oh!"

With the help of Hachiman and the others, Meguri celebrated softly.


Unfortunately, the only one who joined her in the celebration was a certain foolish. Hachiman and Yukino just looked at her calmly.

Meguri wasn't embarrassed by this situation, as her goal had been achieved. Yukino and the others had agreed to help, and that was enough.

"Well then, I'll leave it to you. We'll meet in the main conference room tomorrow. Make sure to come."

With that, Meguri bid farewell.

Watching her leave, Hachiman shook his head.

“This senpai really knows how to give people trouble.”

Upon hearing this, Yui smiled reassuringly.

“Well, don't say that, Hikki. As the student council president, Shiromeguri-senpai works hard, and she really put in a lot of effort during the last cultural festival.”

Speaking of the cultural festival, Hachiman shrugged.

Most of the tasks during the last cultural festival were actually arranged by him in advance, if only a certain foolish girl had known about it.

As for this senpai's efforts...

Well... it's probably just using her so-called "Megu Megu Power" to provide motivation for everyone.

Well, that's still quite an accomplishment.

At this point, Yui spoke again.

“Speaking of this sports festival, it seems that it will involve a competition between the red and white teams. Hikki, Yukinon, which team are you on?”

“Red team.”

“Red team.”

Hachiman and Yukino answered simultaneously.

Hearing their response, Yui smiled happily.

“That's great, I'm on the red team too! Let's work together to win the competition, Hikki, Yukinon.”

Seeing her silly smile, Hachiman and Yukino both showed a gentle smile on their faces.

“Yes, let's work together to win the competition!”


The next afternoon, Hachiman and the others followed Meguri to the main conference room.

Upon opening the door, they saw the other members of the student council and Shizuka, who had been waiting for quite some time.

Seeing Meguri bringing Hachiman and the others in, Shizuka spoke with a smile.

“It looks like you've found some helpers.”

“Yes, thanks to you, Hiratsuka-sensei, for telling me about it, I was able to get their help,” Meguri nodded repeatedly.

Watching Shizuka sitting there acting like nothing happened, Yukino sighed softly.

“Hiratsuka-sensei, why are you in charge of this sports festival again?”

“Well, those old guys said this kind of work should be done by young people, so it naturally fell on me,” Shizuka pointed at herself, indicating that she was one of those so-called young people.

Seeing her shameless behavior, Yukino and the others felt a bit embarrassed.

Especially Hachiman, who couldn't help but cover his face with his hand.

If we were talking about before, Shizuka would indeed be the youngest among all the teachers, but not anymore, now that Mafuyu had arrived, she became the second youngest.

If they want young people to exercise, it should be Mafuyu doing it.

I suppose you couldn't resist seizing the opportunity when you heard the words "young people."

Just as Hachiman was silently grumbling, the door of the conference room was pulled open once again, and a familiar voice echoed from behind.

"Apologies for my tardiness. I just finished dealing with some matters."

The voice was cold but carried a hint of seriousness.

Glancing towards the sound, Hachiman saw the familiar face of Mafuyu standing at the door of the conference room. Mafuyu, on the other hand, noticed Hachiman and the others in the room and stopped in her tracks.

Ever since listening to Hachiman's piano performance at the cultural festival, Mafuyu had often fantasized about appearing on the same stage with him. Sometimes, in her dreams at night, she would envision herself dancing on the ice to Hachiman's piano accompaniment.

Each time she woke up from these dreams, Mafuyu would cover her flushed cheeks with her hands, softly murmuring about "shame," "impurity," and other similar words.

So today, when she saw Hachiman again, Mafuyu couldn't help but recall the scenes from her dreams, and a blush crept onto her face.

However, Hachiman was oblivious to this. Upon seeing Mafuyu entering, he naturally greeted her with a smile. "Mafuyu-sensei, are you also in charge of this sports festival like Shizuka-sensei?"

Upon hearing Hachiman call her name, Mafuyu realized it was her turn to respond and nodded quickly.

"Yes... yes, I am. The school leadership asked me to assist with organizing this sports festival alongside Hiratsuka-sensei, saying it would be good for me to gain some experience."

"I see. You're really working hard, Sensei," Hachiman nodded with a smile.

"It's nothing. After all, I've only recently arrived, so it's only natural to gain some experience," Mafuyu replied, suppressing the fluttering in her heart and returning to her usual composed demeanor.

At that moment, Meguri, the student council president, clapped her hands and smiled as she spoke up.

"Alright, everyone, let's take a seat."

"Let's now have a thorough discussion on how to manage this sports festival!"


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