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Chapter 407: Waiter Angels and Adventurer Demons

After enjoying lunch with Sonoko, Hachiman left feeling satisfied. It was already around 2 p.m. when he got off the train in Chiba. Heading home, he passed by the "Angel" Café managed by the goatee guy.

He hesitated for a moment before deciding to go in for a cup of coffee. After all, he didn't have anything important to do once he got home. As he entered, he heard a familiar yet listless voice.

"Welcome... Oh, it's just you, Hachiman."

Looking up, he saw a petite figure in a waiter's uniform not far away. With her messy golden hair and a somewhat lazy expression, it was Gabriel.

Seeing the lazy angel in a waiter's uniform, Hachiman felt curious.

"Gabriel, are you... working?"

"Yeah, can't you tell? I'm working as a waitress in this café," Gabriel replied lazily.

"But how did you even think of working?"

Hachiman was puzzled. After all, this lazy angel would sit instead of standing whenever possible, and she was a heavy internet addict. How could she even consider working?

"I'm broke, and there are still so many games I want to splurge on. Of course, I had to work," Gabriel said, with a displeased expression when mentioning money.

The stipend from Heaven was meager, and it was subject to fluctuations based on her performance. Since Gabriel became engrossed in games, she hadn't done many good deeds, so her stipend kept decreasing.

To earn money for in-game purchases, the lazy angel had no choice but to find a job.

Hearing her words, Hachiman couldn't help but smirk.

It seemed like this plotline existed in the original story too: the lazy angel had to get a job because she was broke.

With a sigh, Hachiman said, "If you're short on cash, you could always borrow from me. I wouldn't mind lending you some."

He had considered this plan before, to build a better relationship with Gabriel by lending her money for in-game purchases.

However, to Hachiman's surprise, the lazy angel had never asked him for money.

As expected, Gabriel shook her head after hearing Hachiman's offer.

"Forget it. Borrowing money from you might be a good idea, but I don't have the means to pay you back. So, I'll just work here myself."

Even though she had fallen into gaming addiction and had become somewhat corrupt, Gabriel was still the top student of the Angel Academy. She wouldn't stoop to the level of borrowing money without being able to repay it.

Well, if the target for borrowing money were that idiot Satania, then it would be a different story.

But unfortunately, Satania was also broke.

Unlike Gabriel, the lazy angel who had her stipend reduced due to deductions, Satania's stipend had actually increased quite a bit due to various "pranks" she pulled.

However, Satania still didn't have much money. Despite not spending on in-game purchases like Gabriel, this foolish demon was a shopaholic, addicted to a TV shopping network in the demon world, constantly buying things.

And the items she bought were often scams.

As a result, Satania's stipend didn't have much left either.

As the two chatted, an awkward voice interrupted them.

"Um... Tenma-san, you can't block the customers at the door."

Hearing the voice, Gabriel replied without turning her head.

"It's fine, boss. This guy is my friend."

Hachiman also turned to see the goatee guy standing behind the counter, looking somewhat embarrassed.

After a moment of thought, he greeted him.

"Oh, boss, long time no see."

Seeing it was Hachiman, the goatee guy smiled.

"Oh, if it isn't Hachiman. It really has been a while."

The goatee guy was quite welcoming towards Hachiman. After all, Hachiman often came and ordered his specialty mixed coffee, which always satisfied him.

"Huh? Boss, do you know Hachiman?" Gabriel asked curiously.

Hachiman shrugged, answering her question, "Well, I used to frequent this place before you started working here."

"I see. Since you and the boss know each other, I guess I don't need to take orders then," Gabriel said as she walked over to the employee break area and sat down.

Seeing this scene, Hachiman smirked.

Indeed, she would rather sit than stand whenever possible.

But the goatee guy next to him felt a bit awkward.

"Um... Tenma-san, this isn't appropriate. After all, Hachiman is a customer, so we should still take his order."

Hachiman didn't mind and moved to sit at the counter, smiling at the goatee guy.

"It's okay, Gabriel is always like this. I can handle it myself. Boss, the usual, a mixed coffee," Hachiman said as he ordered his coffee.

Hearing Hachiman's order, the goatee guy didn't bother with Gabriel anymore and happily brewed the coffee.

Before long, the coffee was ready, and the goatee guy pushed it over to Hachiman.

"Here you go, Hachiman-kun."


Nodding, Hachiman picked up the coffee, took a sip, and then exclaimed, "As expected of you, Boss. Your skills are still as excellent as ever."

Hearing his praise, the goatee guy smiled with satisfaction.

"Oh, you flatter me, Hachiman-kun."

With hardly any customers at this time, the two of them chatted leisurely.

Time flew by, and as Hachiman finished his coffee and paid the bill, he bid farewell.

Just as he stepped out of the café, he encountered another familiar face.

With red hair adorned with two bat hair clips and a silly smile on her face, it was none other than Satania.

Seeing Hachiman approaching, the foolish demon flashed a toothy grin and greeted him.

"Oh, it's Hachiman. Good afternoon."

"Good afternoon, Satania. What are you up to?" Hachiman returned the greeting.

"I'm planning to go on an adventure. Want to join?" Satania gestured with a thumbs-up, her toothy grin shining in the sunlight.

Hmm, an adventure...

Hearing that, Hachiman had a bad feeling.

As a precaution, he decided not to get involved.

"I'll pass. You have fun on your own, Satania."

"It's not just for fun, it's an adventure!" Satania wrinkled her nose unhappily but didn't dwell on it, and her smile returned the next moment.

"Okay, since you're not coming, I'll go on the adventure by myself."

With that, she walked past Hachiman and continued on her way.

However, as Hachiman watched her depart, he couldn't help but smirk.

It seemed like the destination of this foolish demon was none other than the "Angel" Café he had just left.

After all, Gabriel was working there. If the two of them were to meet...


Looks like a certain red-haired idiot is in for some trouble again.

But what does that have to do with me? I'm just a passing ordinary person.

Yeah, that's right.

Back home, back home.

With that thought, Hachiman continued on his way home.


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