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I have a pretty big announcement to make, maybe you can already tell by the updates to the Patreon page. I have completely rebranded 3DPrintFarming to a new name, MysticMesh3D. 

I haven't made the announcement on social media yet, because I wanted you guys to be the first ones to know as you all currently license my catalog and have shown so much support over the past 2 years. 

When I created the 3DPrintFarming social media channels about 2 years ago I never thought I would have come this far in this short amount of time. I wanted to create a social media page to show my daily activities of running a 3D printing farm selling physical prints of my designs, so I figured 3DPrintFarming would be a pretty good name for the channel. I never imagined that hundreds of thousands of people would want to be apart of my journey. As my social media channels continued to grow I had more and more people who wanted to print and sell the designs I created for my catalog which resulted in me continuing to expand my business. The 3DPrintFarming name started to become well known within the 3D printing community, but there was one problem... a name like "3D Print Farm" or "3D Print Farming" cannot be trademarked as they are general terms in the 3D printing industry and will be refused registry under "Section 2(e)(1) – Merely Descriptive". For those who don't know what this means, you can't register a trademark for a general term or something that describes the goods or services that a business provides. 

I'm now working 10-16 hour days, 7 days a week designing new products for my catalog, creating content for my social media channels, and most importantly, building my personal brand. I've decided that I need to rebrand as soon as possible due to the fact that I cannot trademark the name 3DPrintFarming and it simply does not align with what my business does anymore. Running a 3D printer farm was the only focus of my business when it was created two years ago, but a lot has changed since then, so it's finally time to rebrand to a name that is more fitting for my business and most importantly, a brand name that I legally own. 

This is the beginning to a new chapter and mark my words, the MysticMesh3D catalog will be one of the largest, and best catalogs within the 3D printing community. I won't stop until it is. Thank you all for the continued support and being apart of this journey with me. -Matt from MysticMesh3D


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