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Heya amazing community :D

Gen here!

As we're closing out September, we have an announcement to make regarding one of the trio - Forge.

We'd like to thank Forge for the fantasy content that he's been producing since March. Unfortunately, Forge is shifting away from C27 and going into another direction. Tacos and I wish him all the best in his future endeavors and in anything he's doing next. Forge is an amazing artist and friend. And I look forward to the time that we'll do something together again. Let's wish Forge all the best here in the comments or in Discord before he completely signs off. We'll let ya'll know if he has any projects upcoming.

This means, we will continue to focus on comics miniatures and tabletop terrain without the added fantasy minis from this October onwards. Tacos and I have some ideas to expand possibly in the future but for now we'll keep improving with our quality, and trying our best to keep improving our presupports. If you have any ideas on how to improve our Patreon further, we're very open to feedback. Feel free to DM us in Discord or mention us in the #chatroom channel and we can make a thread and talk about it. I'll be updating our page this weekend to focus on just comic miniatures and tabletop terrain.

Again, let's wish Forge all the best!

Now for our upcoming releases for October!

I'm excited to announce what we'll be making this October! You all have amazing suggestions in our Discord server! Thank you for adding the heart reacts too! They're very helpful. Here's what we'll be making!!

To start our Gamma minis, we have PLANET HULK! More info at the bottom.

The Wrecking Crew has been highly suggested for quite some time! Let's start with The Wrecker this month! Lizard and Carnage have also been up in the suggestions for a few months now. I'm happy to say you'll be getting our versions of them too! We're continuing the Boys lineup with A-Train. Also, highly suggested is Silver Sable, Red Skull, and Hope Summers! That's also gonna be epic :D Continuing the Alpha Flight minis, we also have Talisman! And lastly, continuing our Annihilation outfit Guardians, we have Mantis!

For our tabletop terrain, we are continuing the Helicarrier with more size 1-3 military props! The September portion of the Helicarrier is being cut, keyed, and presupported at the moment. It's also being test printed via FDM. We'll keep you updated in our Discord Server!


And I'm happy to announce we'll be this badass TOMORROW!!!

He's our first release for this October! Releasing this weekend, let's have some Alt Names in our Discord server :D 

Let's get October smashin! :D

Cheers to you, us, and C27 :D There's still a loooot we'd like to accomplish together with you :)

- Gen & Tacos



File for Gladiator not showing up in my MMF account. Good luck Forge in your future endeavors !!!


Since we are getting through Annihilation Guardians could we possibly see an Annihilus?