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Heya everyone!

Gen here :D AND our weekend additions are here now too! :D

Feel free to check your Objects Shared With Me in MyMiniFactory and get your printers running! For those who've just joined, please check your inbox within 24 hours for your MMF invite. If you haven't received one, feel free to message the #mmf-tickets channel in our Discord server.

For our comic releases:

There's two pre-supported versions of the 40mm minis. They both work and are test printed but the one with _v2 has less pillars and are optimized. Feel free to check it and print whichever you feel would print better! Also feel free to message our Discord server which is better and how we can improve our supports further.

As mentioned in our Discord and socials, we have a surprise release.

Smashy McBeal! Best name by MilledOutGaming!
AKA She-Hulk

Mutant Hunter! Best name by Kaiser!
AKA Nimrod

Lastly, Trash Panda! Best name by Adeon000
AKA Rocket Raccoon

If you have last month's I Am (Groot) mini, you can place him on his shoulder!

For our Fantasy releases, we have:


And the Cockatrice!!

For our Terrain releases we have:

Sandbags Size 2 Tabletop Terrain!

And a lox cart! :D 

We still have much more releases coming this weekend and another final batch before the month ends! :D Epicness awaits!

Feel free to check your Objects Shared With Me in MyMiniFactory and get your printers running! For those who've just joined, please check your inbox within 24 hours for your MMF invite. If you haven't received one, feel free to message the #mmf-tickets channel in our Discord server.





Sweet! Nothing like strong legal representation.

Joshua E Winterfeldt

The fact that Rocket can mount up on Groots shoulder... WHOAH.