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Everyone knows about the Mall Sandiclaws, but how about the Mall Gasmiclaws? That's right! Beginning this year, Gelitech will be sending Gorgasma's newest mininons to a selection of major malls throughout the Fey'li Empire to give biogel gifts to anyone willing to strip naked and brave the Dial of Gelidoom! Maybe you'll get a biogel toy. Maybe you'll get a biogel suit. Maybe you'll get a biogel lifestyle kit. Or maybe you'll become part of Gorgasma's fembot army! Regardless of what you win, you just know it's going to be fun, so head on down to the nearest Gasmiclaws & The Dial Of Catsmas Gelidoom event and get yourself some shiny! It's sexy. It's exciting. But best of all, it's totally free!

Offer valid through New Year's day. No questions. No returns. No take-backsies. You win it, you wear it. Or you become it. Or whatever. You know the drill by now. Why do we even bother with these disclaimers anymore? I really have no idea.



Crevan Prowler

Ah, as pointless as disclaimers may seem, you gotta cover your butt to keep the legal department happy!


Yep. ... ... ... Disclaimer: This reply may or may not reflect the official position of Gelitech. It may not even be a reply. It may just be a figment of the intertube's collective imagination. Please read responsibly. >.>