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Captain's Log...

Our away team has discovered the fate of the missing colonists. Unfortunately, said colonists were quite insistent that our away team join them as new members of a previously unknown rowa hive. This was certainly unanticipated, but no one can deny that watching the interaction unfold was more than entertaining enough to make up for the inconvenience.

I must say that 2nd Lieutenant Kiwa performed quite respectably in taking her share of bug juice between the legs. She didn't seem to mind her transformation, either. More curious than anything else. She'll make a fine worm.

When confronted with the inevitable, 3rd Lieutenant Shiru acted her usual naively bold self and took far more than just a mouthful of bug juice with an enthusiasm that was almost... unsettling. She drank down so much that her transformation into a rowa worker was almost too fast for her to comprehend, or the rest of us to enjoy.

Away team commander 1st Lieutenant Candrae was far less compliant than her subordinates. She bravely pushed away the former colonists who surrounded her team, and even attempted to wrestle with a male rowa worm in a vain effort to avoid the unavoidable. Even so, when it came time to take her share of bug juice, she took it up the tail hole without a fuss. If she serves the hive as well as a female scorpion as well as she did the Imperial Navy... well, it just makes sending further scouting parties all that much more dangerous.



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