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Welcome back to our coverage of this year's XenoExotic XenoBabe 'swimsuit' competition! 

Here we've got five fine fey'li ladies showing off some of the summer's hottest trends in swimsuit style partial body transformation! 

Who would have thought that getting infested by nanitch nanites could be so hot? This slinky cougaress certainly did, and you've got to admit, she was certainly right! How long do think those nanites are going to let her enjoy her 'suit' before they fully convert her into a proper nanitch? A day? A week? Bets, anyone? 

And then we have a cute little tigress showing off her truly timeless classic HiveWear one-piece, complete with mask and walnut brain to match! She's such a sweet and innocent looking little bug brain, isn't she? Looks like she wants something though. Anyone down on the beach there want to help her out? 

Next up is a shapely leopardess and her slowly growing coating of purple odangi fungus, and by growing I mean in as well as on. Gotta wonder what she's feeling as she slowly turns into a 'shroom zombie. She doesn't seem to mind it though! 

Then we have a pretty little jaguaress rocking her own timeless classic, a very carefully applied von'kir shriveling! Does she even count as a babe anymore? She's got the right kind of smoking hot xeno-vibe though, so who cares, right?

Last up we've got a lovely would-be Cheetarella showing off the biggest new thing to hit the market this year! I'd love to know what Gorgasma of Mitann thinks of girls like her prancing around only half-converted into a member of her fembot army. That's not me complaining, though. It's a style that I really hope catches on!




So many wonderfully exotic options! How is one supposed to choose?