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Hello and welcome back to XenoExotic Nature! I'm Farrie Miyarra, XenoExotic Senior Editor and Model, and I'll be your hostess for this brief look at the fascinating buggy beast known as the infesqueeto!

Something tells me that this brand new XenoExotic explorer was expecting a rather different kind of experience when we offered her a once in a lifetime chance to participate in a new nature documentary for her nineteenth birthday. Sit on a rock by the stream and smile for the camera. So easy until the buzzy buggy subject of our presentation shows up and slides its proboscis down your throat, right? But it's all okay! She's taking that infesqueeto proboscis like a seasoned pro, isn't she? That's good, because it's going to be taking its sweet time consuming the contents of her digestive tract prior to stuffing her innards full of its potently mutagenic saliva.

What's she feeling as the infesqueeto delves into her lower intestines? Not much, actually! The infesqueeto's proboscis lubricant is quite numbing, so all she feels is a progressive emptiness as it sucks every last bit of potential nutrients out of her body. There's no discomfort whatsoever, though that might change once the mutagen kicks in. Right now, she's only ten to fifteen minutes way from feeling the first effects as her brain starts to shrink quite drastically.

At first, our subject will become disoriented as her memories start to mix in strange ways before fading altogether. As this is happening, her hands, feet, and spinal region will be covered in thick black chitin. Wings will sprout from her back as the chitin spreads up her neck. Her head will then shrink as it's overcome by chitin. Her sense of self will start to fade, and the last thing she'll feel as her former self is her new proboscis thrusting up her throat from somewhere deep within. She'll shudder. She'll experience a complete mental snap as she is abruptly reduced to purely insect level intelligence. Then it's done. She's become one of the infested. Cool, huh?

Infested live for one purpose and one purpose alone. They seek out humanoid males to hypnotize with their wings. Success means both mating and sustenance. The latter has no transformative effect, the infested's saliva being potently addictive rather than mutagenic. The former results in the fertilization of between twenty and forty eggs per copulation. The infested will lay these in clear water, preferring running streams which can spread the eggs out over a large area. Only one in twenty eggs will actually survive to hatching, and of the resulting larvae, only one in ten will survive to maturity. Depending on the local environment, between only one in five hundred to one thousand will successfully transform a humanoid female, completing the infesqueetos cycle of life.

Infesqueetos are native to the world of Maria IV, though they have found their way to several other worlds such as Mitann and Kaelsie. While populations usually remain small and steady, depending largely on unwary woodland wanderers for reproductive stock, entire villages have been reduced to infested and male addicts in sudden mass-mutation events brought on by particularly virile infesqueetos who are able to mate with numerous victims in a short period of time.

If you're looking for an infesqueeto encounter, your only real option is to head into its natural habitat and hope for an encounter, as any trade or transport of infesqueeto eggs beyond their current habitat zones is not allowed. Just make sure to set up a camera set to auto-upload to XenoExotic Amateur Explorers, so we can all enjoy the show!




Happy birthday! Or should that be happy bugday? So, do the infested turn into infesqueetos fully, or do they remain largely humanoid? Because I can't help but notice the patch of spots on the infesqueeto's abdomen...