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Hello and a hearty cheetah cheetah boing boing to all of my wonderful patrons!

For those of who who've been keeping up with the Gelitech story thus far, I'm sure you've noticed that the plot of Season 3 has been a bit compressed, despite it already being nearly a full novel in length. I'd intended for the plot line to take all year, but after having a good long think about it, I realized that there was going to be so little Gelitech in it that it seemed wise to just cut to the chase so we could get back to the shiny black. The shiny black, of course, will be the very shiny black story I'd intended for Season 4.

Those of you who are familiar with some of my old pre-Destiny Omega ideas, some of the things in the last couple of Gelitech episodes might seem awfully familiar. They are, indeed, biogel based versions of those ideas, and all the time jumping and key'vin'ta madness has set the basis for why, and in some ways how, it all works. When it works. But that's a whole 'nother ball of wax.

Starting next month, Chyka will start on a new adventure seeking out new life and new civili... wait. Wrong sci-fi. >.>

Starting next month, Chyka will start on a new adventure seeking out new xenoexperiences that Gelitech can exploit and/or craft biogel versions in order to expand their product line. This will be a standalone novel not necessarily requiring reading of the prior stories, presented in monthly parts, rather than a series of discrete episodes. Side stories will be making a comeback as previously planned, with about half being purely Gelitech tales involving new and familiar characters.

I sincerely hope you all enjoy the return to glossy, gooey goodness,

Sincerely and with many thanks for your continued support,



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