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Have you ever wanted a body pillow that could wiggle and squirm while you cuddled all night? How about a body pillow that could giggle and chat with you to help you pass the time? Want no more! Introducing the Gelitech Snugglebug Suit!

All you have to do is get your favorite bedtime companion to put this suit on and it'll transform her body from the neck down into a 100% biogel Snugglebug! We guarantee she'll love it! And if you want more wiggly worm than idle banter, every Snugglebug Suit comes with a Full-Worm body mod applicator that will finish the transformation into a squirmy-wormy rowaform 'biogel monster'!

Gelitech Snugglebug Suits are currently available for order in VixNet, or for purchase at any Gelitech Gelarium at the very shiny price of 750 Imperial Credits. Get yours today!



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