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Dragille are an exotic people who hail from beyond the limits of known space. Despite appearances, Dragille are neither reptilian nor demoic in nature. They are both extremely strong, and very light in apparent weight. These qualities allow them to fly with relatively high dexterity using their large, dragon-like wings.

Dragille are primarily known for their practice of powerful sorcery. They are innately able to manipulate transdimensional forces without external aid, and are thus able to reproduce virtually any known transdimensional process or effect merely by focusing and willing it to happen. Were it not for limits on their individual ability to handle the energies involved, they would be virtually god-like. Indeed, when a large group is able to work together, virtually unimaginable effects can be produced.

Only a handful of Dragille are known to live within the limits of the Fey'li Empire. Reclusive to a fault, only one has been observed on a regular basis, seemingly attracted to the transdimensional flows continuously taking place in and around the Mashiva area.



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