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"This is sooooo awesome!" my asian lioness exclaims as she grins and prances about with her glistening staff and shield. "I had no idea the glitter teams got shields? Is this something new? Maybe they're trying to compensate for the lack of good ranged weapons or something? Do you know anything about it?"

"Mmphblp!" is all I can manage to get out of this rubbery, vulvic maw that I've been forced to accept, despite my most strenuous objections. It would figure that I'd be the one getting the walnut brain. Of course I don't really know anything about how the whole selection process works. To tell the truth, I really don't know anything about anything anymore. That's what happens when your oral tube goes all the way through where your brain used to be!

On the positive side, at least I can still think. I'm still me, minus most of the useless intellectual baggage that would get in the way of a good gelfighter's performance. That's way better than the real rowa worker things who's bodies these rowa gelfighter body mods are based on. But dammit, Shawi, I can't talk! You think she'd have figured that out by now!

"I'm so excited! I can't wait for the match to begin!" Shawi sputters with giddy delight. "How much longer do we have to get used to our how new bods?"

"Rblrph!" I reply with some frustration at her insistence that I keep trying to answer questions. So much frustration that, for the fifth time, I manage to get the liquid biogel pumping.

*plip* *plup* *plip* *ploot*

"Stop doing that, will you?" Shawi laughs at my inability to control my 'weapons'. "Didn't you read the brochure? That biogel's coming from your weenie little boobs! You can't get a refill until the match is over! Don't waste it!"

"Lrblbp!" I respond. Of course I know that. Is it really my fault that I've got a small chest? Couldn't they have added some extra bounce with the body mod?

"Whatever," Shawi chuckles as a chime sounds. "Oh! Awesome! Are you ready? I am! Let's get to our post! The match is about to start! We're gonna win this, right? Of course we are! Let's go!"



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