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A monstrosity ripped right out of sci-fi horror, chaos flesh is the end result of a horrible experiment gone even more horribly wrong. Chaos flesh is an engineered form of cancer capable of absorbing most forms of organic matter and converting most animal cells into more chaos flesh cells. With sufficient fuel, it will grow to fill any environment, though it can be strategic in its growth pattern in order to 'hunt' prey. To make it far more insidious, it releases potent pheromones which make those who inhale them regard the chaos flesh as being completely non-threatening despite its form and activities. Absorption into a mass of chaos flesh is completely painless, and victims rarely react in a negative manner during the process. Whether or not the victim actually dies, or is somehow incorporated into the monster as a captive mind is unknown. Chaos flesh that cannot obtain biological mass after a fair amount of time will do dormant rather than die, its outer surface becoming had and rock-like until such time as it comes into contact with new organic matter.



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