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When it comes to product concepts submitted to Gelitech by the general public, few recent ideas have been quite so esoteric as one for a mask that could turn anyone into a walking, talking Vixneta biogel personal assistant. No one at Gelitech could imagine why anyone would want to become a largely computer controlled servant. So, naturally, they went ahead and created the thing, just to see if it could work.

Vixie Masks are featureless invisilectronic filled crystal steel masks which have been fixed to a hood-like mass of glistening biogel. All one has to do to don the mask and partake of its mind bending properties is to push one’s head into the hood’s opening. This instantly seals around its wearer’s neck before flowing over their body to form a complete biogel suit. The wearer’s head quickly transforms into biogel, taking the same faceless form offered by the mask, while replacing all other head features with the naturally mobile, if purely cosmetic, features provided by the specific type of mask.

Once the head modification is complete, the highly advanced computer in the mask proper activates. A very basic digital face consisting of pixel eyes, mouth, and optional emotion marks lights up on its surface. These aid in interactions with full organic sapients by giving visual feedback as to the ‘emotional’ state that the computer deems appropriate for any given interaction or moment.

The computer begins its ‘operating system installation’ process by connecting to the Vixie Control Service. While the ‘backup’, ‘format’, and ‘clean install’ process used for the cyborgirls of the Destiny Delta has been proved highly effective, an even more reliable, albeit very permanent, process is used by the Vixie Control Service. Bit by bit, the wearer’s stream of conscious thought is taken over by the machine, slowly replacing who they were with the fixed programming of the machine.

The wearer is fully aware of what is happening while their new operating system is installed, but is completely powerless to stop it. Indeed, they have no inclination to stop it, as each individual change starts to feel perfectly natural not long after it occurs. Within 10 minutes, the installation process is complete, and the wearer has become just another Vixie.

All Vixies speak with the same primitive sounding feminine computer voice. The body mod process also means that they all have exactly the same, rather less than average strength, regardless of their apparent physique. This ensures that they can be physically overpowered in the event of an emergency.

Every individual Vixie is identical in its basic functionality as a personal digital assistant. It can do anything a conventional CoreNet connected assistant can do. It can also directly control biogel furnishings and accessories belonging to its owner. What makes it most unique, however, is its ability to do many household tasks that a normal humanoid can do, but with the level of knowledge available from access to the best sources on CoreNet. It can also perform these tasks with a high degree of technical skill. This makes it the perfect ‘electronic spouse’ for the biogel lifestyle household.

Vixie units can be upgraded for certain enhanced capabilities. Level of control over biogel accessories is limited by default, but this can be upgraded at the peril of the owner and anyone who might visit their home. Vixie units can also be upgraded to perform various professional level tasks with a high degree of competency, although with minimal flexibility when not directly overseen by a sapient supervisor. The ultimate upgrade for a Vixie unit is the full spousal upgrade, with all the benefits thereof.

A major issue with Vixie units is their propensity to self-glisten. As the core of their bodies are still the same as they were before becoming Vixies, their biogel coatings still require cleansing. Vixies will access cleansing when available, but may become glistened just like any other biogel wearer if it’s not. In addition to this, a Vixie may be glistened purely at random owing to some error in the mask, or in its connection to the Vixie Control System. The chance is extremely small, less than one ten thousandth of a percent per day, but it is still present. The owner of a Vixie may also glisten it at any time as well. Unlike the guaranteed transformation into a gummy that typically occurs, a Vixie’s owner can choose from a vast number of potential shapes, both decorative and functional.

When a Vixie is glistened, its Vixie Mask deactivates and detaches, taking with it just enough biogel to form a new hood. It can then be worn by someone else, though they must accept the same cosmetic options as the original purchaser.

A Vixie Mask purchased outright with no starting upgrades costs ¢25,000. Gelitech periodically advertises for Vixie units, in which case an individual may consign themselves to Gelitech to be used in-house or sold at the company’s discretion. In this case, the new Vixie may be compensated in some way for their willingness to give themselves up for that purpose.

A Vixie Mask buyer may purchase certain upgrades at the time of purchasing their mask. Each professional task upgrade costs ¢5,000 for basic skills, and another ¢15,000 for the advanced skill upgrade. The full spousal is free.

If a new Vixie hasn’t designated their owner, they will be auctioned off via VixNet. The new owner can purchase all upgrades. Enhanced biogel control costs ¢2,500. Each professional task upgrade costs ¢25,000 for basic skills, and another ¢50,000 for the advanced skill upgrade. The full spousal upgrade costs ¢5,000.


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