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New manners of utilizing biogel transformation for personal and public entertainment crop up on such a regular basis that it’s often hard to keep track of what the hottest bit of brand new glossy fun happens to be at any given moment. Not so for the recent biogelatinous ooze! This magnificently sensuous transformation experience is the arguably most incredible bit of biogel entertainment was declared the most exciting biogel transformation of 4616, and it’s still as popular as it was the day it was released!

Biogelatinous ooze is a transparent form of biogel that comes in a rainbow of vivid colors sure to please the sensibilities of any prospective user. The substance is offered at the price of ¢500 for each single use, ISI standard type 6B 250ml tubes, perfect for use with both external and internal applicators. It will function equally well when applied either externally, or internally within any body orifice.

Once applied, the biogelatinous ooze will immediately spread out to completely cover the user in a thin layer of its own substance. Once begun, this phase of the experience is irreversible, and the final coating is effectively impossible to remove. Full coating takes about 30 seconds to complete. Despite covering the user’s entire head, the only noticeable effect on their senses is color filtered vision, muted hearing, and a significant reduction in both taste and smell.

The second phase of biogelatinous ooze transformation will begin about 3 hours after the fist phase ends. Alternatively, it can be triggered by physical contact with a small biogel pellet provided with each tube. When this occurs, the user’s body fades away, leaving behind a perfect likeness in transparent biogel with orb-like eyes that glow the same color as the biogel. This is not, however, an inanimate gummy. Using a secondary transformation to preserve the user’s eyes as non-biogel body parts allows the subject to remain animate for a time. Also, unlike a gummy, while the user’s new body feels like an oily smooth, but otherwise perfect likeness of the original on the outside, on the inside it is still liquid slime.

During this phase of the user’s experience, they may move about as normal. They can see, hear, and feel in a dull, silky smooth fashion, but they cannot taste, smell, or speak. Their innards have no specific form outside of the entry portions of each body orifice, and the whole will move and stretch to fit almost anything inserted therein. Even if insertions are too large to accommodate, or come from points other than the existing openings, no harm comes to the user, nor do they feel any pain.

The solid phase of a biogelatinous ooze user’s experience will last for about 10 minutes before they begin to slowly melt away. The only way to stave off this effect is to concentrate on maintaining their physical form. This generally requires a significant degree of willpower, or some intense physical stimulus to focus the users attention. Perfect focus is generally quite impossible to maintain, and users will inevitably find little drips and drizzles beginning to form on their surface, and a sheen of gel squeezing out from around wherever they’re in contact with a solid surface.

The most typical manner of extending one’s time in the solid phase is to engage in intimate physical interaction with a partner or partners. Regardless of the method used, however, the phase can only last up to 8 hours or so before nature takes its course. Once this happens, the user’s eyes vanish, and their body will collapse into a puddle of transparent biogel, their living soul held captive within.

Liquid biogel, either shed from a melting user or resulting from their body’s total collapse, is quite hazardous to those who might choose to engage in physical relations with the user. In effect, the biogelatinous ooze is contagious. It only takes about a contiguous volume of 500ml in contact with the secondary subject’s exterior to trigger their own coating and eventual transformation.

Like so many biogel experiences, biogelatinous ooze has been transformed into a game played in Gelariums, and as part of various live and filmed biogel game shows. Two challenges are typical. The first is to see how long one can keep an ooze user solid without getting transformed oneself. The second is to see how long one can keep oneself solid, typically to score points for a team who may or may not have the option to help.

As noted above, biogelatinous ooze can be acquired on the open market for ¢500 per single use 250ml tube. Owing to its potentially hazardous nature, the ooze isn’t sold in larger quantities.


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