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Liminal Female is an artwork created by the renowned fey’li musician Teyamie in an effort to capture the essence of a sensual dream, steeped in the imagined sensations of a deeply carnal transfiguration, trapped in a half-state, bereft of all besides the purely sexual, and too unsure of the path ahead to decide whether to keep what little is left, or to surrender herself completely to the novel physical experience which has already consumed so much of her body. Inspired by the famous Morie Medallion, Liminal Female strips away the comforting visual abstraction offered by the former’s complete conversion of its willing subject into a living object of pure biogel. In its place, it boldly presents its subject’s principle physical feminine organs as they were, as beautiful, sensitive and responsive as before her transfiguration.

The vision of seemingly dismembered organs is intended to be unsettling to those who view Liminal Female. Even those who know that their owners full body is still present, albeit reduced to a thin coating of biogel on the back of the stylized, torso-shaped silver mounting plate, will find the idea that one can, and is even encouraged to, touch and manipulate her most intimate organs rather off-putting. Despite the oft-expressed misgivings, many viewers are still quite happy to fulfill the artist’s desire to be touched, suckled, and even bought to the soaring heights of physical arousal, over and over, day after day.

Teyamie is not destined to remain in her current state forever, however. Fitted within the bellybutton of her mounting is a control through which viewers can offer their opinion on whether or not she should continue on in her liminal state. A swipe up over the little depression is a vote to remain as she is. A swipe down is a vote to complete her transformation into a living biogel object.

Should the number of votes to complete her transformation ever exceed those to remain as she is, a five minute timer will start. At the conclusion of these five minutes, the biogel will fully subsume her, converting her visible organs into biogel. As with the more traditional Morie Medallion, those organs will be reshaped into those of a generic female gummy, and were it not for the deliberate uniqueness of the mounting, render her completely physically indistinguishable from any other.

Once fully transformed into biogel, Teyamie is to be auctioned off. The proceeds of this auction will be used to fund artists who seek to use biogel to bring the essence of their most intimate dreams and fantasies into the real world for all to ponder. Of course, the only limitation to this funding is that each artist follow in her footsteps, and use their own body as the physical core of their work.

Liminal Female is currently displayed in the Mashiva Museum of Intimate Art in a small private alcove extending from the northwest of the Grand Garden chamber, with its Zexta Gemstone Tree centerpiece. Access to the museum, and all exhibits, is free, but restricted to adult citizens upon presentation of an unrestricted ImperID, and adult non-citizens upon presentation of an unrestricted ImperiPass.

In offering herself to the Museum of Intimate Art, Teyamie made the stipulation that they work compose a gallery of similarly mounted individuals representing the Fey’li Empire’s may peoples, and of all physical sexes. Though the Museum doesn’t advertise this work-in-progress, asking the right question of the right person, and one might be offered a chance to become part of the exhibit’s inventory. Though the intention is to display only one member of each sex, of each of the Empire’s peoples, the need for replacements as participants are voted into full biogel conversion will be ever-present. The Museum’s intention is to open the new Liminal Bodies exhibit at the beginning of 4618.


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