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The world to Rai is nothing but a sea of ethereally sweet, metaphysically piquant blackness. There is nothing but her thoughts, bereft of any physical feedback to give them form or force. A waking dream, incomprehensible in its impossibly broad, yet tightly confining scope.

Space has no meaning to the former tigress' captive mind. Nor does time. How long had she been dreaming? How much longer would she dream? There was no way to know. Nor was there any firmness in her existence on which to form a foundation upon which to care.

From nowhere, there came an odd feeling, that came without any feeling at all. It was just... there. A thought. An impression. Was it even real? Or was it a figment of her blackness-isolated imagination?

Another odd feeling. And then another. And then another, each becoming somehow more tangible than the last.

Somehow, someway, reality was finding its way back to Rai. A vague shape, its surface smooth, cold, and distant began to form in her mind. It was a strange shape, a smooth, solid, and slightly domed disk at its bottom. Four thick tendrils rise up from this base, becoming smaller, and twisting around one another until eventually jointing together well above the base.

Rai attempts to make sense of this new biogel body. It feels like the shape should be able to move, but no matter how much she tries to move it, it remains completely still. A dawning realization comes over her. She's been turned into an inanimate object!

The biogel sculpture might have been upset if she'd had the ability to become upset. Emotions, however, carried no force without a body to respond to them. She merely sat there and thought about how this was all definitely not how she'd planned on spending her day at the Gelarium. It was still the same day, wasn't it?

Dreamy drifting imaginations again took hold of the biogel sculpture's mind. Time had as little meaning now as it had when she'd been a disembodied mind within the orb. Space however...

The biogel sculpture could feel them touching her. Soft, smooth, dreamy caresses that offered her the only clearly stimulating sensations that she was capable of experiencing. Waves of barely perceptible physical delight ran up and down her intertwined tendrils, offering her moments of clarity amid the dreamy sea. Again and again they came and went, and each time her mind seemed to fade further into a state where her only reason for being was to feel these moments, and to simply exist, virtually bereft of all thought, for all the time in between.

The End... ?


New Gelitech Gelarium Poll Adventure Beginning In January!


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