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Gummy Factory

While many other Gelarium attractions can transform warm, soft guests into cold, firm biogel dolls, none can do so with nearly as much impersonal efficiency as The Gummy Factory. Get in. Get moving. Get gummied. Get packaged. Get purchased. Get shipped. That’s The Gummy Factory way.

As with many Gelarium attractions, guests are encouraged to enter The Gummy Factory by its configuration. All along the L shaped storefront are windows which reveal what is happening inside the upper portion of the machine. The terrace path to the entrance is a dead end, narrowed by the placement of various plants and benches to subtly suggest to curious visitors that they’ve already decided to travel down a one-way path that leads into the machine. While not always effective when the number of guests at the Gelarium is low, on busy days, and especially during special events, the tactic is quite effective in replenishing the Gelarium’s gummy inventory in fairly short order.

The Gummy Factory’s entrance is a simple opening in the wall with access to the elevated conveyor belt that runs through the machine. Shiny black biogel mattresses are placed on the belt in succession, pausing within the opening to allow a passenger to lay down in whatever manner they please. Once someone has done so, a force field is generated which prevents them from leaving the area atop the mattress. An iris type door then opens, and the mattress and its passenger enter the machine.

After a short ride along the conveyor, around the corner of the L, each individual passes beneath a biogel dispensing port. A large blob of liquid biogel issues forth, surrounding her whole body before rapidly glistening her. The new gummy then travels a bit further, before the mattress goes vertical and dumps her into a low-g shaft that leads down into the subterranean levels of the Gelarium.

Beneath the Gelarium, the new gummy is dropped directly into a waiting transparent retail packaging tube inside a specially designed packing unit. A light aerogel foam fills the tube to hold the gummy upright in a passive standing pose. The tube is then sealed, and generic labels are applied. As is standard practice, no information about who the gummy might have been is given, nor is any recorded at the time of transformation. Labels are pink for female gummies, blue for male, purple for gummies with features of both sexes, green for sexless gummies, and red, yellow, and orange for certain particular non-typical genital forms.

After being sealed in a tube and labeled, the new gummy is wrapped in a second layer of padding before being closed up in a cardboard box. In a completely automated process, this box is moved into a storage rack for eventual selection for shipping. A label is then applied, and the gummy is automatically moved to the shipping dock, or in the case of Anwae Arena, the fully automated Postal Train Loading Platform below.

The Gummy Factory is a publicly accessible facility present at all Gelitch Gelariums. There are also a number of portable Gummy Factory Systems built into shipping containers which dispense their produce onto pallets rather than into an automated shipping system. These are brought to various Gelitech exhibitions along with other biogel experience modules, most notably aboard the current Vixanti Flagship, the Destiny Omega.


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