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Rai yelps as the tentacle tugs on her tail, pulling her back down onto the glistening black biogel bench. She instinctively turns around to try and pry the tendril from her tail before it yanks her across the bench and into the air to join the deeply huffing mitanni on her journey into one of the treebound biogel orbs. Try as she might, however, she just can't seem to pry the biogel tentacle from her tail.

Rai glances down at D'tash just as her groin presses into the surface of her own biogel captor. The mitanni gasps as her womanhood dissolves into biogel to add to the monster's own mass. Goddess! the tigress thinks in growing desparation as she claws at the tentacle around her tail. That looked like to much fun in the videos... but now... I just... I just don't...

Without warning, four more tentacles lash out from the orb that's holding the tigress' tail with its iron grip. Without thinking, she attempts to swat them out of the way, and in a flash two take the opportunity to wrap themselves around her now readily accessible wrists. Again, Rai yelps as the tentacles pull her over onto her back and start to drag her over the edge.

The panicked tigress kicks and struggles to hook her legs on the edge of the bench, much to the audible amusement of the gathered audience. It's no use. The tentacles which grip her by the wrists quickly drag her upper body her over the edge. At the same time, the remaining two tentacles wrap around her legs and hoist her ass up off the bench, making it all but impossible for her to exert even the slightest control over how the tentacles pull her off the bench, and into the abyss beyond.

Rai had always loved to watch the show snared gelfighters put on during the Biogel Games. Now, disbelief joins her panic as she realizes that, like it or not, it's now her turn to put on the show. She wiggles and writhes as the tentacles draw her through the null-gravity field that surrounds the tree. Unlike the mitanni's orb, hers has chosen to hold her in a reclining position, and draw her toward its waiting surface back first.

Shit... shit... I can't do anything to get free, she thinks as she looks over her shoulder to find deeply panting companion has been absorbed up to her chest. I'm really... I'm... I'm actually... gonna wind up getting... melted...

D'tash lets out a sharp gasp as her chest vanishes into her orb. She stops panting and stares up toward the struggling tigress. As her chin presses into the orb's surface, with her last breath, she moans. "It... it feels so... good..."

Rai bites her lip as the mitanni's head is sucked in. In a flash, all that is left are ripples rolling over the orb's surface. In another instant, these too are gone. All that is left is an echo of her final words, bouncing through the tigress' half-disbelieving mind.


How does Rai react to the mitanni's final words?


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