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Few alien monstrosities are more feared than the dissociated, transdimensional organism generally known as the drizzle. What makes it most fearsome is that, scientifically speaking, this exotic creature does not exist. It has never been detected on sensors. Its has never been recorded on film. Only a few eyewitness accounts of its attacks exist, along with some indirect evidence present in the results that points to a common cause.

According to eyewitnesses, the drizzle comes from nowhere, it’s shiny, olive green substance percolating through space and time onto its victim’s flesh, regardless of the presence of clothing. At first there is nothing but small droplets, but these soon form blobs, threads, and a drizzle of thick slime that forms a small pool on the ground around the victim’s body. The few observed victims have always expressed curious fascination with their forming coat of slime, and even seem to find the sensations distinctly enjoyable, if not even pleasurable.

In all witnessed cases, it takes the drizzle about three minutes to fully coat its victim, who remains quite happy throughout. Once coated, the victim appears to remain alive for about ten to fifteen minutes, despite having their mouth and nose completely blocked by the slime. After this time passes, the drizzle vanishes the way it came, little drops popping out of existence until there’s nothing left but a puddle of water on the ground where the victim had been.

The drizzle has never been witnessed attacking two individuals at once. In one observed case, however, the drizzle did percolate onto two additional individuals who came into physical contact with the initial victim in an ultimately futile attempt to render aid. Their concern with the victim turned into fascination with the slime the moment it began to form upon their bodies, and all three were coated and vanished when it departed.

The exact effects of the drizzle on its victims is completely unknown. It may consume them, killing them in the process, or it may simply absorb them, and their minds, into its own transdimensional mass. The water it leaves behind is absolutely pure, completely devoid of minerals or other evidence of having been part of the victim’s body. This pure water is the only common factor providing any tangible evidence of a drizzle attack.

Within the whole of the Fey’li Empire, only four drizzle attacks are believed to occur in any given month. Generally, these occur in more sparely populated areas with little in the way of sensing technology to catch the event as it takes place. Locations with expansive, multi-faceted operational surveillance such as spacefaring vessels and military facilities have never recorded a suspected drizzle attack. This suggests that the drizzle(s) may be aware of technology which might be used to detect it, and take active steps to avoid it.

At the current time, there is no known way to avoid the drizzle, nor is there any known way to resist it once it attacks. Victims are advised to relax as best they can and allow it to take them as expeditiously, and pleasantly, as possible.


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