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Biogel Mummy

Not content with restricting her various geli-punk theatrical creations to biogel techno-monsters, Dr. Mika created the biogel mummy as a new sort of creature to stalk the biogel clad heroine in the critically acclaimed Cheetarella 11: Among The Glistening Dead. Far more insidious and titillatingly terrifying than the typical biogel monstrosity, the biogel mummy begins its life as a long roll of thin, slightly off-white biogel endowed with its own mind and the ability to float in the air, stretch, split, and re-combine in almost arbitrary fashion. This mummy wrap will attack any humanoid that comes near it, and therefore has to be kept in a container to prevent accidents.

If the mummy wrap is allowed access to a nearby humanoid, it will fly at them and quickly mummify them, leaving only their eyes exposed. Whether or not it binds their arms and legs, or leaves them as a member of the soon-to-be walking 'glistening dead' depends on the circumstances, though the former generally occurs more often than the latter. Once bound, the wrapper slowly body-mods the victim, transforming them into biogel in a slow, chillingly enjoyable fashion while exerting considerable control over her body. The last part of the victim to become glistening black biogel is their face, and once this is done, the victim's mind loses its ability to resist the total control of the mind within the wrapping.

Completed walking biogel mummies are fully functional, animate biogel humanoids with below average intelligence, and a distinct desire to interact in intimate fashion with other humanoids, be they biogel mummies or normal living beings. They seem to be aware of the nearby presence of available mummy wrappings, and will lure new victims to them if they can. Bound biogel mummies are largely passive, and will only wiggle and squirm if prompted by physical contact with another being. These often act as a distraction for walking mummies, allowing them to bring wrappings into the presence of the new victim without being noticed until it's too late.

Since the release of Cheetarella 11, biogel mummy sections have been added to the three Cheetarella theme parks located in Fey'la City, Mashiva, and Kes'tirra. As with all of the other attractions, guest participation is allowed and even encouraged. Outside of these locations, biogel mummy wrappings can be encountered in the Gelitech Gelariums, and be purchased for home use at a price of ¢5,000.


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