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Nanitch Suit

A recent 'evolution' of the nanitch within the Runai hive has both befuddled techno-anthropologists and delighted transformation fetishists in equal measure. The Runai nanitch were already considered particularly unusual in their ability to adapt to local conditions and transform their hive into an exotic, alien, and very sexy tourist attraction. The resulting success in enticing guests to willingly allow their bodies to be converted into countless new nanitch was no doubt a factor in causing the nanitch to further adapt by creating a completely new manner of physically interacting with sapient humanoids never before observed among nanitch anywhere among their known hives.

New, special nanitch pumps have been created within the Runai hive that do not fully convert their users into nanitch. Instead, those who mount these nanitch pumps are only partially converted. Their feet, and lower legs become nanitch, along with their belly, back, shoulders, arms, neck and the sides of their heads. Their principle features, including face, chest, genital region, hips and thighs remain as they were, at least initially. Despite the nature of the conversion, subjects are able to feel the nanitch parts of the bodies as if they were a totally natural part of their own.

Commonly refereed to as putting on a nanitch 'suit', this partial conversion allows the participant relative freedom to act as they wish, though the desire to bring others to the hive to see its wonders and perhaps undergo conversion, is always front and center in their minds. Over the course of several months, the conversion will spread through the remainder of the subject's body, creeping up her legs, around her abdomen and pelvis, over her chest, and finally her head. This process is said to feel pleasantly strange and even relaxing at times, particularly as it reaches its final stages.

The final result of nanitch suit based conversion is a typical humanoid mass of nanitch. The subject's mind is almost certainly contained within, in one fashion or another, as noted in the nanitch entry of this world guide. This mass then returns to the hive at the first available opportunity, to live out life as any other collection of nanitch, as nominally independent humanoid forms, or with their constituent nanitch becoming part of the hive itself.

The only way to experience what it feels like to put on a nanitch suit is to visit the Runai hive and mount the appropriate nanitch pump. Entry to the hive for committed volunteers is free, though if they have second thoughts, they either need to pay the nominal entry fee or they won't be allowed to leave unless they pay or finally consent to mounting the pump.


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