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Rai is more than just a little surprised by the nature of the Gelarium's women's undressing room. She'd been expecting something more along the lines of a gym locker room, not the plush looking lounge with glistening black benches, couches, armchairs, and not a single locker in sight. A few other women are lounging about in varying states of undress. A biogel clad attendant steps forward.

"Hi! Let me get your purse secured for you," the somewhat petite blue ashiri chirps as she reaches out to take Rai's handbag. "Would you like me to secure your clothing along with it, or are you already planning on leaving clad in something a bit shinier?"

Rai shrugs her shoulders and hands the attendant her bag. "I don't know. I'm just kind of... looking around. You know. Just to see what it's all about."

"Fair enough!" the attendant chirps. "Feel free to denude out here, or there's some private cubicles in back. Just put it all in a pile and I'll take care of it for you."

"Thank you," Rai replies as she unzips her green sport top and lays it down on one of the couches, across from a tall, azure skinned, ram-horned mitanni.

"Allo!" the mitanni says with a wink as she pulls down her panties. "I do not suppose you'd be interested in being a couple, hmm?"

Rai looks at the mitanni with a raised eyebrow. "What do you mean, a couple?"

"Well, you see, I have been told that this is all so much more exciting if two partners who know nothing of each other commit to fully sharing in whatever it is one might be so inclined to pick," the mitanni replies. "Or have an accident with. Or get schmoozed into. Or, you know, whatever. Or maybe nothing at all, and we could maybe enjoy a nice night on the town after. My treat, hmm? What do you think?"


How does Rai respond to the mitanni?


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