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Released to the general public in 4606IR, VixNet is the unofficial official ImperiNet 'fan site' service dedicated all things biogel. For several years, VixNet served as a shadowy hype machine for the Vixanti Interstellar Lifestyle, luring prospective biogel wearers in with sexy imagery, videos of physically transformative 'accidents', and hidden features accessible to only the most dedicated, identity verified fans. After the Omega Incident and it's fallout, the site became operated by the Gelitech subsidiary of Vixanti Corporation as a darker, sexier, 'forbidden knowledge' style complement to it's own, tamer, 'safe for work' GeliNet service.

The VixNet service makes use of ImperiNet ImperID/ImperiPass Level 3 identity verification to ensure that only positively identified adults can acquire access. Owing to the nature of biogel, and the permanency of many of its effects on a wearer's body, Level 2 identity verification is required for purchase of products from the VixNet store. As with all xenoexperience products, all purchases must be delivered to the registered home address of the purchaser, identity verified delivery required.

VixNet serves primarily to connects fans of biogel's unusual, sexy, and often downright erotic qualities with images, video, and products related to their interests. All media is available for free, as are live video streams from Vixanti/Gelitech public events. VixNet 'cam-people', biogel wearing biogel fans, can offer live video streams through VixNet, either free or for a modest fee. Most VixNet members only avail themselves of these particular services, but for level 2 verified individuals, two other well known services are offered.

The first of these is the ability to bid in VixNet-Gelitech charity auctions. Every Gelitech 'auctionation station' is connected to the VixNet network, and anyone can bid on the volunteers who enter the machine to offer themselves for charity. Typically the auctions run for 10 minutes, at 1/100th or 1/10th Imperial Credit bid increments. The winner gets to the glistened biogel 'gummy' doll that results from the volunteer's transformation.

The second is the ability to gift VixNet cam-people with VixNet CamBox programs. These programs might manipulate the connected biogel mass to do various things, or they might impart a biogel body-mod on the cam-person if they choose to make use of it.

In addition to these services, VixNet offers the full Gelitech catalog of products, as well as numerous programs for biogel accessories, and a very large catalog of biogel body modifications not available through GeliNet.

Despite appearances, VixNet is very tightly moderated. A sweet, sexy, playful, and sometimes quite intellectual environment is generally expected in interactions with staff and cam-people alike. Failing to behave appropriately can, and often does, involve a permanent ID ban from interactive portions of the service, or from the service altogether.

VixNet membership is free.


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