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It's been 5 months of Gelitech, and a very successful 5 months at that! For that I want to thank all of you, my patrons, for helping to make that happen! *cheetah cheetah boing boing* =^.^=

As you already know, the March stories are going to focus on some of the side-characters in the Gelitech storyline. Beginning in April, I will be changing the story format a bit and focusing less on making one major and one minor episode. Instead, there will be one story about Chyka, and one more general story about Gelitech, exotic alien happenings in and around Mashiva, etc. This will give me a bit more freedom when it comes to exploring the world at large, as Chyka's storyline is a bit more confining than I'd thought it would be.

In addition, Shetira & Shawi will be making a regular (though not necessarily monthly) appearance, with drawings accompanied by short little "tease" stories about what happens when the author finds herself living within a version of her creation.

Also, a note about the Tier world guide classifications in the next month or two. I will be including some non-"technical" things in Tier 2 that, which not technology per-se, are part of, or necessary for, the production of biogel. These items will be limited to things which were revealed in Destiny Omega (on FurAffinity), in particular the organisms which provide the various substances that go into biogel. For Tier 3, I'm going to be working in some things which, while not specifically involved in the Gelitech storyline, are parts of the overall story world in general. Prior examples of this sort of thing include the entry on the rowa. 

Again, thank you all for your wonderful support, and I hope you continue to enjoy my creative efforts for a long time to come!

And now, without further ado...

Coming up for the lovely month of March...

For all tiers: Life On The Edge is what Stowaways love the most, because that sweet, sweet Golden Kisitti amber really puts them in the mood for a Charity Auction. Did someone say they wanted to go Shrooming? Or is this Only A Test?

For Super and Super-Mega Supporters: Golden Kisitti Tree, Odangi Mushroom

For Super-Mega Supporters: Aveyka, Dr. Anshi Alluwa, and HiveWear.


You may have noticed that a certain Peril was displaced from the February lineup by some Squeaky Cats. That landed somewhere down in April, so stay tuned. =^.^=


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