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  • 370.8 Standard Days Per Year.
  • 12 Months, 30 Days Each.
  • 10 Fixed Holidays.
  • Leap Year Every Five Years, 4 Day Holiday Week (Quintessial).

Feyli Imperial Month/Holiday (Gregorian/US Equivalent)

  • New Year (New Year's Day (January 1))
  • Snowsong (January)
  • Midwinter (February)
  • Meltwater (March)
  • Imperia (Independence Day (July 4th))
  • Rainsong (April)
  • Plowfield
  • Greenleaf (May)
  • Berrypick
  • Quickriver (June)
  • Watermaiden
  • First Harvest (July)
  • Sunbounty
  • Brightsun (August)
  • Fadingsun (September)
  • Woodstore
  • Second Harvest (October)
  • Census
  • Quintessial (Leap Day (February 29))
  • Cloudveil (November)
  • Cloudfeast (Thanksgiving Day)
  • Firelight (December)
  • Snowveil (New Year's Eve/Christmas (December 25th/31st))


Note – Months tend to be named after the weather conditions in the temperate regions of Feyla where the Feyli people originated.

  • Snowsong – Named for the whistle of the windy snow storms typical at this time of year.
  • Midwinter – The middle of winter.
  • Meltwater – Named for the melting of snows that typically begin in the later parts of this month.
  • Rainsong – Named for the heavy rains typical during this month.
  • Greenleaf – Named for the very green state of vegetation at this time of year.
  • Quickriver – Named for the peak flow state of the rivers typical at this time of year.
  • First Harvest – Named for the first yearly harvest of certain abundant quick growing crops.
  • Brightsun – Mid summer.
  • Fadingsun – The end of summer and the beginning of autumn.
  • Second Harvest – Named for the second harvest of certain abundant quick growing crops, also the primary harvest time for slower growing crops.
  • Cloudveil – Deep fall, when clouds replaced the sun for many days of the month.
  • Firelight – The beginning of winter, when fires became constant sources of heat and light in times past.


Note – Most tween-month holidays are placed between the spring, summer and fall months as these were the times of year when food was traditionally more plentiful, making days of celebration or specific tasks less problematic.

  • New Year's Day – A celebration of the New Year, often marked by the sleeping off of the effects of the final holiday of the old year, Snowveil.
  • Imperia – The day the Feyli Empire was unified, also serves as the celebration of the coming Spring season.
  • Plowfield – A day of rest after preparing the fields for planting.
  • Berrypick – A day for hiking, wandering and foraging the bounty of nature.
  • Watermaiden – An annual water festival.
  • Sunbounty – A harvest festival, mostly themed on seasonal produce.
  • Woodstore – A holiday dedicated to nature, traditionally the day the seasoning of firewood cut earlier in the year was inspected.
  • Census – Census day, when the Imperial Census collects data annually, as well as the day when local matters are voted on by the Empire's citizens.
  • Quintessial – The four day leap-week that takes place every five years. The third day is the traditional day when the people vote on proposed changes to the core of Imperial Law, something that takes place only every five years.
  • Cloudfeast – A final feast traditionally to use up the last of perishable foods prior to the onset of winter.
  • Snowveil – The winter feast, traditionally quite modest by proportions of feasts, and more focused on the giving of gifts to loved ones and close friends than on food.


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