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Resynthesis is the term coined by Dr. Anshi Alluwa to refer to the process by which she, and numerous other individuals, have come to be creatures made up of one hundred percent biogel, without any of the inconvenience such a state would normally cause. The exact mechanisms of this process are unknown, but the effects are quite profound. Resynthesized individuals are capable of occupying any mass of biogel, swapping between masses and even dominating lesser souls infused within. They are then able to control that mass of biogel's appearance in virtually arbitrary fashion. Only the size of the available mass of biogel, and the limits of their imagination restricts what a resynthesized individual might become. All this power comes with a significant cost, however.

Resynthesis is effected by the total absorption of the subject into the biogel entity known as Omega, both in mind and in body. Resynthesized individuals have no independent existence beyond Omega. Their memories become part of the collective memory of the entity. They loose all awareness of themselves as individuals, and think only Omega's thoughts as if they were their own. In effect, they cease to exist. Until, that is, Omega has some reason to set the part of it that once was the absorbed individual to some task requiring physical independence.

When set 'free', resynthesized individuals become themselves again, though they can never break free of Omega's absolute control. They exist until they are not needed again. They are then fully reabsorbed, and vanish again into the unified being.

Because almost all biogel currently in existence is actually part of Omega's body, the entity can theoretically resynthesize anyone in contact with the substance, at any time. Even individuals who have been transformed into biogel objects can be absorbed into Omega in such fashion. Despite this ability, Omega does not resynthesize individuals with whom it has no genuinely intimate relationship. It is speculated that the reason for this is the entity's desire not to take risks with what it makes into a part of its fundamental self.

The general public is only vaguely aware of Omega as the name of the single unified life form comprised of all biogel, linking all biogel wearers and soul infused biogel objects as one single greater organism. The resynthesized that make up part of Omega are known as geldancers or jellies. They can be found wherever Gelitech has a facility, keeping an eye on things for Omega, and frequently using their abilities to engage in various sorts of playful mischief.


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