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Biogel Core

Once Vixanti Corporation's most heavily guarded secret, the biogel core, often referred to as the biogel reactor, is a device intended to provide a state of transcendent being to anyone lucky enough to have their genetic material injected into it during the final phase of its creation. There are currently several hundred biogel cores in existence, most aboard biogel operated military and experimental starships, or buried deep within Vixanti Corporations laboratories and biogel production facilities. Only one can be viewed by the general public, within the halls of the former Vixanti Corporation Facility Three, beneath Mashiva Spaceport. Almost all of the cores have been imbued with the genetic essence of Lady Shetari Anwae, the current public mistress of all things biogel, and for all intents and purposes, act as a single unit.

Physically, a biogel core is a spherical mass of genetically imbued, ultra-reactive biogel which can be energized by a set of specially configured quantum state coils. Contained within a protective reactor housing, the core's biogel glows with a vivid, deep pink color. In this state, all of the minds within the core are fully conscious and act in concert to perform the instructions provided by the genetically linked being to the best of their ability. Special interface systems allow these souls to directly control electronic systems, while entirely biogel based systems are provided whenever possible and practical.  

While a biogel core is typically used as a living computer of sorts, it has potent capabilities of its own. All cores sharing a single genetic essence act as one unit, instantaneously sharing information and control capacity regardless of the distance between cores. The core is also capable of exerting some degree of control over the perceptions of any individual wearing biogel that has been imbued with the same genetic essence as itself. In theory, this means that nearly everyone wearing biogel is subject to the such control by Lady Anwae's biogel core network. In practice, the biogel core network has virtually no control over anyone not within close range of its cores, as the small size of the network drastically limits its capability to control both ships, systems, and any large number people simultaneously.  

The directly emitted light of a biogel core can create a clear telepathic bond between the minds of the core and any biogel wearing sapient life form that it touches. Typically, the core will attempt to convince that being to reaming within its glow, unless some more pressing matter requires otherwise. The light causes the being's own suit to energize, specks of glow spreading to form splotches that spread to completely cover her biogel suit. Once the entire suit is aglow, the wearer instantly melts into a gooey. As a result of this property, all individuals engaging in maintenance work within the housing of an energized biogel core must wear a full suit of protective clothing.

Minds are injected into a biogel core using one of several methods. The simplest is to drop a sapient organic life form into the core from above. While this may be effective, and fun to watch, it also adds the beings full body mass to the core, which can't be removed unless the core is deenergized to allow it to be siphoned off. More useful is to use ultra-reactive biogel to transform a subject into a gooey, reprocess that gooey to drastically reduce its total volume, and then drop that into the core. The most common, and most efficient overall, is the directly connected soul injector system used in most facilities and aboard all biogel controlled starships.

Individual minds held captive within a biogel core can, in theory, be extracted by the will of the genetically linked controller and are drawn out using one of the probes installed within the reactor head. The small volume containing the extracted mind needs to be reprocessed to render it safe and useful. The genetically linked controller can enter and exit the core at will, typically using the connected soul injector as a portal.

In theory, all minds within the existing biogel reactor cores came from willing volunteers under no coercion or duress, or from those who may have accidentally come into physical contact with the core's biogel mass. Individuals who are interested in becoming part of a biogel core may do so at the former Vixanti Facility Three, now the Gelitech Marian Drift Prefecture Operations Center, at the Mashiva Spaceport during one of the twice weekly interactive tours.


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