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I've been trying my hand at inking again, using a brush pen this time and the results weren't too shabby. Biogel being what it is, and my shaky hands on top of that, I can't ink everything that I'd like to, especially the more complicated drawings with lots of fine lines. Simper stuff, for sure, though, which gave me the idea to start a series of RPG style "world guide cards" as both a new way to present stuff alongside the new S&S guide, as well as inking practice on basic illustrations. I want to try and do 1 or 2 in place of one of the usual world guide drawings for at least a few months to see how it goes. Let me know what you think!

HazMit = Hazard Mitigation. Uppercase for high level. Lower case for low level.

  • A: Acid
  • B: Biological
  • C: Caustic/Base
  • E: Electrical
  • F: Fall/Very High Full Body Impact/Blunt Force
  • G: Gas/Atmospheric Composition
  • H: Heat (+ = Hot, - = Cold)
  • I: Impact/Blunt Force Injury
  • K: Knife/Penetrating Projectile Injury
  • L: Laser/Directed Energy Discharge
  • P: Poison
  • R: Radiation (Ionizing)
  • S: Special Conditions
  • T: Transdimensional Energy
  • V: Vacuum
  • X: Massive Body Injury/Amputation/Etc.

RAF: Relative Armor Factor (0 = None, 10=Full Ablative/Impact Plate, 100=Tank Level Armor, 1,000=Destroyer Level Armor, 10,000 Cruiser Level Armor, 100,000 Battleship Level Armor)

Peril (For Items): How likely is this to cause problems/impart perilous effects upon its wearer, on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being no chance and 10 being near certainty.



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