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(NOTE) Please refer to this post:


As the title suggests, this is the current state of the project for this month.

1-58 Pages (Breast Augmentation Part)

Please download the zip file from the link below


I am first of all sorry for not being able to finish the project, when I said that it will be finished this month. I will not make excuses on my part, but the combination of IRL responsibilities and the amount of renders needed took time even if most of it are spot renders of the whole image. I will hopefully continue and finish it on the coming month.

Once again I apologize and I hope you continue to support me and my work.

Any comments, questions and suggestions are welcome.

Note: If you encounter any problems regarding the link, download and or extraction of the zip file please inform me so I can post an extracted format.




Awesome work. Thank you.

Catharianna Khaness

I made it to 20 before I had to pause since I was getting too intensely delightful feelings, since I could relate a bit too much as I would also have been admitted as a painslut. ❤️‍🔥💦