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Content in Q:LHS v0.29 has been progressing but not as well as we hoped the last week or so, as the team has been hit with illness. We apologise that this has caused us to take a little longer than expected. It is looking likely that Q:LHS v0.29 will be released to patrons during the second half of October. 

All patrons from September will be messaged the build upon completion.

We sincerely hope the last of Reika's main story is worth the wait! We think it will be ;)


We recently announced some changes that we'll be making to the Fan Tier ($2) after v0.29. We'll no longer make Fan builds to alleviate confusion around our builds and simplify our build process and "Fan" tier will be renamed to "Supporter" to separate the tier from any builds.

We hope this change will make our builds easier to understand moving forward. We're very sorry to existing patrons at the Fan tier level that relied on Fan builds, but unfortunately this is a change we feel is necessary.


After applying the weighted votes, "Nun Mai cowgirl in church" wins with 43%! "Sara's playful multitask bath session; f*cked with dildo while providing MC a skilful & messy finish" takes second with 27% and "MC f*cks Sara on the sportsfield" third with 19%.

"Nun Mai cowgirl in church" sketch will be released later today.

Hope you're all safe and well!




A 16% increase on the winner from the weighted votes, bloody hell

Anthony Docimo

its always worth the wait; the dev team makes superb material. no worries.