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Hey Patrons,

Here are the 'Goodbye 2020' sketch poll ideas. Please vote on what you'd like to be sketched by Lykonis (our artist)!

Weighted votes apply!

Happy voting :)



I see boobs. I click for the plot.


TBH, I'm kind of frustrated by how big the margin in between the first place option and all of the others. I mean, I'd think more people would want to see Satomi x Toshiko!


I think it's a combination of two things, One as DS puts so succinctly, boobs. The other being that the winner is a perfect fit to the end of year theme, while the others could quite easily fit into any of the regular sketch polls. It's all a bit of fun, congrats to the winner and let's look forward to what Lykonis creates for us.


I feel like the leader got the votes it did because we've never had all of the women in something at the same time that wasn't a sliced collage of standalone images. If I had to take a wild stab at how it's going to look, I'd say it wouldn't be too far off of the solo Laura sketch from a while ago; just hopefully with a bit more variation in poses. Maybe Satomi will do a handbra again?