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"Louder? LOUDER!"

It took a lot for governors of rayalian provinces to accept the idea of macro concerts.

Then it took even more to convince them of the creation of such venues, which easily take up hundreds of blocks for the stage alone. (Turns out, the enclosed, dome-like area of city under the stage creates a real estate boom that more than offsets the exorbitant initial costs.)

Then it took YET EVEN MORE to convince them that allowing a magnitude-10 giant into the heart of an urban area was anything short of madness. (Thankfully, macro artists like SKY seem able to earn enough good faith from the-powers-that-be to be given those opportunities, somehow.)

But past those initial hurdles? Rayalians - and giant performers like Skyler - can proudly boast the largest events in the known universe.




Hmm I can’t seem to hear it I think I need to get closer~