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As it had been prophesized, it had happened.

The earth quivers as the lightless undersea trenches break open to make way for the long-slumbered titan destined to end creation, as it previous incarnations had done. Its maw snatches fleets, in fact entire cities, in one bite, and from its mouth are spouted droning, incomprehensible syllables of a celestial language no mortal has ever knew; it's sinewy, tarry leather beats the ocean's waters into waves that swallow the coastline; its many eyes glow with the clear, otherworldly glint of divinity...


Unfortunately, those fearsome features turn out ineffective against what it had crossed oceanic paths with - a young male shark who just so nonchalantly dwarfs the world-ending leviathan.


Just that simply, he holds that creature in an unescapable vicegrip. His fingers grip its length, making bones thick as mountains and hard as steel squeal and crack. The very jaws that were fated to crush the world between them are themselves being crushed by the palm of the shark almost as an afterthought.

"Mmmmmrf~" *CRUNCH*

Moreover, his teeth are doing short work of the god-beast tail to head, snapping further and further along with methodical ruthlessness, pushing down the world-eater down his eager gullet as if it was a common eel. The leviathan can do nothing; in fact, it can't even cry out in pain, warranted as it'd be - it simply lacks the physiology for it. As it is, it can barely comprehend what's happening - death, non-existance in general, are concepts the cthonic being wasn't meant to understand. And yet...


That's what's happening to it, as the more-than-titanic shark snarfs down the now only barely-consicious being.


Have you guys had fun this shark week? :3
Whipped this up very quick, cause even though I'm kinda wrapped up in pendencies, there's no way I can let this go without bringing out my beloved Kai once more~



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