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Words are supposed to go here

An idea I had a while ago. I've always wanted to work on the idea of plant anthros, but the inspiration to do them only comes every so often. 

So, this is one of those times. Avalokiteśvara is a Bodhisattva, and one of his forms has eleven heads and a thousand hands, in order to hear the plights of all beings and reach out to them. Neat. Since he's also referred to as the "Holder of the Lotus", I had the idea to make an anthro that reflects that. So their bud has this trippy multi-faced thing that I quite like, and... I suppose a thousand petals. Instead of arms. So they can shed them? And um... make people happy?... I DON'T KNOW. WHATEVER. FLOWERS.

Should flowers like this be considered herms by FA? I mean... they are... y'know? ._.



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