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I've also decided to make the NSFW tier $3 instead of $2. I hope you'll understand that with the amount of NSFW work I do, I feel like it'd be worth it!


THE CHANGES WILL OFFICIALLY BE MADE. I'm going to add the new tiers and start editing the posts today. This shouldn't change anything for anyone just yet.

[Original message below.]


I've been thinking hard, and probably will think some more before I make a move, but I'm thinking about changing things up pretty radically.

As of now, my idea is to get rid of every tier currently available, and then make things a lot simpler.

What I mean by simpler:

  • There would be only two tiers.

How that would work:

  • One tier would be the $2 SFW Tier
  • The other would be the $3 Everything Tier

The NSFW/Everything Tier would be slightly more expensive to compensate for the amount of additional posts.

Both tiers would allow to see the early access version with a High Res download.

It would be possible to pledge for more, but there wouldn't be any bonus in doing so.

Why I want to do that:

Long story short, I want to make things easier for myself. I've been trying to please, but I'd been pushing my own needs aside in doing so. Reducing the amount of offered options for commissions made me realize that I really need to think about myself. I can't just push myself to do everything with only other people in mind.

What would happen:

On the First of June, I would create the two new tiers, and then remove the old ones. I would then, progressively and working in a descending chronological order(newest to oldest) I would start editing every single high-res and rough sketch early access post I've made on patreon to fit the new tiers.

That's over a thousand posts, but I want to make then accessible to new patrons, and I'm ready to spend the required time on it.

I'll be sending a private message to every patron to make sure everyone is aware, so I'm sorry in advance to people who took the time to read this already!


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