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An axe head slammed into Frederick’s shoulder, and the pain of it hurt from the impact but not a cut that would have killed many. The black scales that protected him there absorbed part of the blow.

The barbarian that had done it roared in anger, and as he tried to lift his axe and attack again, a hammer caught him in the chest.

Frederick didn’t have to look to know the redheaded dwarf. Thoria had ended the life of another.

I can see you. You’re going to have to move far to the right if you want to get to the clan leader. The barbarians are about five deep, and you are on the second row of them.

Slamming one to his left with his shield and hacking off the arm of one to his right, Frederick tried to keep his eyes on the constant barrage of weapons and objects all aimed at him.

Can we press through and then get to him?

Two axes came at him from a barbarian leaping over his friends, and Frederick dropped quickly, holding his shield over his head. He felt them both slam into the shield. The barbarian’s weight then struck the shield, bringing it to a quick stop.

Thrusting with his full might as he stood up, the painted man was flung over his friends and back in the direction he had come.

On your left!

Without hesitating, Frederick pivoted and raised his shield as a huge two-handed axe slammed into it. Had he not gotten the shield there in time, the axe would have slammed into the side of his head and done some serious damage from the impact.

Jabbing forward with his sword, it slid into the woman wielding it. Frederick was caught off guard for the slightest second as he realized it was a woman. The only thing letting him know was that she wore no shirt and let her girls fly free.


Yanking his sword free, Frederick slashed to the right, taking off the head of a barbarian attacking one of his honor guard members.

Push through! You have two more lines to cut through! Do the spin.

Groaning, Frederick hated how Tazorath called that move but knew what she sought.

Planting his feet, he roared and drove forward into an attacker, slamming his shield into them. As they flew backward, slamming into the person behind them, Frederick spun quickly to his left, his arm snaking out and holding steady. The strength that Kaen had made him and Phillip earn through all that hard work paid off as his sword cleaved through flesh, bones, and shields like they were air. In one moment, he struck down five barbarians.

Now forward! Two left, and then you are behind them!

His eyes landed on the two Tazorath was talking about, and they both hesitated for a second, having seen the carnage he had just created.

At that moment, he dashed forward, chopping down with his shield and shattering the man on the left shoulder while driving the sword through the woman's open mouth on his right.

Help your allies! I’ll tell you when someone comes.

Grateful for Tazorath and her eyes watching him, Frederick began to cut away the backs of those attacking his dwarven entourage. The death they received from behind was quick, with their heads coming off in a single blow or a sword through the back of their heart.

Every time his arm swung, someone died for a few moments.

Duck right!

Ducking, Frederick spun to the right, holding his shield out above his head while his sword sliced out at knee level.

A scream came at the same time a weapon skidded along his shield. The barbarian fell as their leg came off above the knee.

Block, parry right!

Spinning more to the right, Frederick brought his sword and shield up to protect himself, seeing the two axes approaching him. One banged into the shield while the other sliced its wooden weapon haft off on his sword.

The head of the axe continued forward and slammed into his chin.

Ignoring the pain, he sliced outward and down with his sword and cut the man’s chest and stomach open.

It’s clear. Move to the back. Your squad is with you.

Standing quickly, Frederick saw five of his group had made it to him. A brief glance told him that they were all that was left.

“Your cut!” Thoria shouted before turning to slam her hammer into a barbarian coming at her.

Reaching up with the back of his hand, Frederick saw the blood and groaned. There was a good cut but no time to worry about it and nothing worthy of the only potion he had.

Where is he?

Coming toward you! Twenty-five yards on your right!

His head hurt a little from the axe and from the yelling of Tazorath, but he knew she was worried and didn’t complain. 

“Incoming clan leader! Protect yourselves!”

A grunt came as they all turned and began making their way through the backline of barbarians. Some they killed, others they wounded enough to be no more of a problem.

Running at him was a man taller than Hess. He looked as wide as Kaen and had a rage in his eyes.

“Half circle!” he cried out as the barbarian clan leader, and he raced the last few yards at each other.

The man brought one axe down and the other across low, making Frederick parry with his sword and block with his shield.

As they collided, the massive man kicked Frederick in the midsection because both weapon and shield were being used to stop his axes.

Jumping backward, Frederick absorbed most of the impact from the kick and landed a few yards back. 

All those times going against Kaen are finally paying off.

Focus! You’re clear for now!

The barbarian rushed at him again, and Frederick didn’t wait this time. He drove forward and held up his shield as the man brought both axes down at him. The collision and impact from the force left no doubt that the clan leader was strong, but even with his size, Frederick was stronger.

Slashing at the barbarian's leg, an axe pivoted down and managed to deflect the blade inches before it sliced into his quad.

They began to trade blows back and forth, blocking and parrying as they felt each other out. While stronger, Frederick quickly realized the man was at least a thirty in his use of axes, as the technique and swings were almost always perfect. The few times they weren’t, Frederick recognized them as feints, trying to draw him in.

The sound of battle rang out around them, and unlike the leader, who occasionally glanced to see if someone was coming for him, Frederick focused completely on the man. He knew no one would sneak up on him, which allowed him to start pressing the attack slightly.

The leader glanced to his left as Frederick noticed the dwarven warrior on his right.

An axe moved toward one of his guards, and Frederick didn’t wait, rushing forward.

His sword lashed out, aiming for the unprotected midsection. A few inches away from connecting against the flesh, the clan leader’s axe in his right hand came down, hooking the sword in the curved part and lifting it safely to the side. Frederick smiled as the large man pivoted to dodge the blow as he parried it.

[ Shield Charge ]

He burst forward, his shield slamming into the man’s side and throwing him backward, tumbling along the ground for five yards. Frederick pressed the attack, not allowing his opponent to recover, slamming his shield down on the man’s leg. Bones cracked, and the man yelled out in pain. 

The barbarian only had one axe left, having lost the one in his right hand and tried to slash at Frederick from a downed position. With his shield in the perfect spot, Frederick lifted it up, letting the axe slam into it while pushing it up and away.

Exposed, the clan leader couldn’t stop the sword thrust that came, piercing below his ribcage and into his lungs.

A hand slammed into Frederick’s arm and sent him backward, but all it had done was rip the sword out, blood gushing from the wound he had just landed.

Behind you, two!

Spinning quickly, Frederick saw the man and woman coming for him. Each had a black skull on their wooden shield and paint over their face and eyes like the barbarian he had just stabbed. They were frantic, and they shouted as they charged with their weapons high.

Sidestepping the man, Frederick brought his sword across, cutting through the wooden shield and slicing through the man's side and rib cage.

The woman surprised Frederick, stabbing through her companion with her sword, and caught him in the hand.

The scales stopped the sword from cutting his fingers off, but the impact was enough to make him let go of his sword.

Seeing him without a weapon, the woman ripped her sword out of her companion, who was falling toward the ground, taking his last breath, and swung her sword down at Frederick.

The dagger in his belt was gone, already in the air, and found a new home in the woman’s throat as she stumbled toward him, awkwardly swinging downward at Frederick. 

As she tumbled to the ground, he grabbed his dagger, pulled it out, and slid it back into his sheath. 

That was close. You are safe. The barbarians around you have stopped fighting.

Looking for his sword, Frederick picked it up and walked over to where the clan leader was, his chest heaving as he bled from the wound in his chest.

A pitiful attempt of an attack came at Frederick, and he just let it go by, slicing the arm off at the elbow.

The barbarian tried to cry out, but blood came from his mouth as it filled his lungs.

Leaning over, slung his shield onto his back and then grabbed the long hair of the leader, pulling it upward as his sword cut his head off.

Standing, he lifted the head high and roared.

Barbarians all around him saw the head and began to shout something. A horn sounded three times, and the group of warriors ran away from battle, disengaging quickly. 

His dwarven guard was down to four, and if one didn’t get healing soon, Frederick knew they would not make it. However, they formed a wall around him as barbarians raced past them and back toward their homeland.

“Bloody hell!” cried one of his dwarves. “Did you know that would happen?”

“I had hoped that the information I got was correct. It appears it was.”

Half the army was running away, and the other half, still alive, realized their time was done and began fleeing. Three sharp blasts on horns kept ringing out as the army ran away.

Frederick dropped his head and took a few deep breaths. “You all need to go get healed. I’m good.”

“You sure?” 

He nodded and pointed to the line of dwarven troops coming toward them. 

“I’m not alone. Great work, all.”

As his dwarven squad approached the main forces, he heard people calling for healers.

Excellent work today, Tazorath. I couldn’t have done it without you.

He smiled as he experienced the joy his dragon felt.

I was about to say the same. Now, if you don’t mind, I would like to eat.

Laughing, Frederick smiled.


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