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I cannot hit them from here!  You need to get closer! My magic just fizzles out from this height!

There is nothing we can do! Foros is not in position yet and we will be in danger of the siege weapons if I get closer.

Are you telling me that you cannot dodge them from this distance?  I have seen you fly before and know that you are capable of that.

The sensation of frustration Ava felt coming from Amaranth made her wonder if she had pushed too much but the troops were moving down below.  There was no time to wait and if she could help at all with a few well placed fire spells, it would be worth the risk.

No… I will not let you tempt me into doing something stupid.  We will bring honor and pride to our families but I will not allow you or myself to be put in a position where our children do not see us return.

Wincing, Ava knew Amaranth was right.  She was caught up in the desire to help and was willing to take a risk.  

Just wait.  Foros said they are almost ready for us.


Amaranth let every ounce of anger and frustration she had come from her.  The roar felt better than any she had ever released before.

Thank you for warning me! I could still hear and feel that even with my fingers in my ears.

They were zipping by and the troops below were moving up.  Foros and the riders were working on the siege weapons and Ava had a moment to start helping.

Fireball after fireball leapt from her hand as quickly as she could form another, crashing down into the army at the outer edges.  It wasn’t much compared to the numbers before her, but it would help.

Hang on!

Ava grabbed the rope with one hand, thankful for the clips that kept her in the saddle as Amaranth rolled and dove downward, a massive bolt sailing not far above the dragon’s body.

That was close!

Yes, but I need to help draw their fire. 

Ava didn’t reply, simply drawing upon her lifestone.  It had acted differently but Kaen had told her it might.  The moment Amaranth had roared it surged inside her.  Power filled her and now with the way she felt, she began to unleash death upon those goblins, orcs and ogres foolish enough to advance toward the troops that had moved up.

Body parts flew in different directions as her spells exploded in the midst of the group.  

I’m coming around for another sweep.  Look to the section between the three large ogres! There are some of the orcs with bombs like Kaen mentioned.

Twisting and turning in the saddle, Ava scanned the battle line and finally saw the ones Amaranth had mentioned.  

I can see them! How close can you get?

There are two down, I can get close enough.

Amaranth banked and came closer to the enemy line.  Arrows attempted to hit her but all of them were off by a good bit.

Ava pulled out the wand that Aldric had given her.  The range was decent but what he had told her about the damage it would do was what excited her the most.

Willing the magic into it, the wand began to glow.  She watched as it built up, lightning starting to arc on the tip and the crackling of electricity filling her ears.   After five seconds of channeling into the wand, a bolt of lightning surged from the wooden tip, stretching across the air toward the field as a single bolt toward the group Ava had aimed at.  In that brief moment of use, the battlefield was covered in a bright flash of light and Ava had no doubt that what came from the wand was far stronger than any spell she could ever hope to cast.

It streaked through the air, electrifying the section of orcs, ogres, and goblins she had aimed for.  The spell arched through all the enemies, looking like one of those storms most hid in their homes during, afraid of the forked lightning coming from the clouds. An area of fifty meters or more was turned into a light brighter than any lightstone she had ever gazed upon, but even better was the explosion that ripped through their ranks as a pack of orcs intent on blowing themselves up did just that.   

A smoking crater that had small tendrils of lightning still arching over the ground was the evidence of their short-lived existence. Carnage and death surrounded it as a reminder that Ava and Amaranth had been there.


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