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“Hold the line!”

The dwarves near him shouted back as Frederick clashed with the first barrier in their way.

Mother is very adapt at doing what she did. 

Tazorath’s words confirmed what Frederick thought he had seen. The yellow dragon had done what he considered impossible, attacking the area where the siege weapons were. Though he couldn’t see it all, the two weapons that fired at her had not missed by much, yet the dragon had turned, rolled, and flew in ways Frederick didn’t know were possible.

Now, the siege weapons were down, and they could press the middle as he had hoped.

Roars of anger and hate came from across the field where massive, topless men and women raised swords and axes, beating them against round shields.

How many more attempts till Glynnis is done taking out the weapons?

Frederic hacked at the barrier, his sword slicing through it in almost one hit. Once he had cut a section out, he moved through the opening. 

“Protect my back, shields up!”

Dwarves followed behind him, holding massive shields and creating a wall of them as Frederick began cutting sections out of the wooden spike wall. He grabbed the pieces he cut with his free hand and flung them in one direction.

Roars and cheers came from his group of dwarves, and the barricade was slowly removed.

She says to give her another few minutes. She is trying to find the best angle to come from.

You two are doing great. How many more barricades are left on the right?

Tazorath went quiet for a moment, and Frederick knew she had just used her lightning again. She would run out of breath attacks soon. Thankfully, she could help clear the spiked walls that kept the dwarven army back.

Five. I can get maybe three more, and then they will be on their own.

You’re doing great! Keep it up, and then get somewhere you can see so you can help me!

He could feel the joy from his dragon and wished he could turn and focus on her being amazing.

Two more swings cut the last section of the one he had been working on, and after tossing the last two pieces aside, Frederick turned to look at the army waiting to charge.

“Line up and spread out! Shields ready! Remember, they are going to try and run through us!”

Frederick ran back to the group of dwarves tasked with being his honor guard. Each dwarf was one Bosgreth personally chose for the task. 

The redheaded female dwarf handed him back his shield and grinned. “Looks like we finally get to fight!”

The other six dwarves roared and formed up on both sides of Frederick.

“Let’s go!”

The group ran up the incline, their feet pounding against the hardpacked ground. The snow was gone, but the field was still frozen and slightly slick from the cold temperatures that had frozen it every night.

As the dwarves began the first real push of the battle, the barbarians across from them started shouting and banging their weapons against their shields.

How much longer?

Almost done with the one and then one more.

Ok, the battle is going to start!

Glancing behind him, Frederick saw the dwarven army surging on his right, using the openings Tazorath had created. The sounds they made as they ran, shouting and the impact of their feet, filled him with a thirst for battle. He had fought many times with Phillip and a few others on the walls, and even when battling the kobolds, it was exciting, but this was a whole different feeling.

Looking back at the army before him, he scanned the crowd, searching for who Kaen had told him to find. 

A few hundred yards to his right, towering over the other barbarians, was a man wielding two large axes. The man had black paint all over his face, chest, and arms. He was waving his axes in the air and shouting something that was getting the men and women before him excited.

“We need to shift to there!” Frederick shouted over the noise, pointing in the direction he wanted to go.

The dwarves shifted each keeping in step with Frederick, who made sure not to run faster than them.

The line of barbarians began to move slowly, and Frederick could see that they would be about fifty yards short of where he wanted them to be when they clashed.

“Protect yourselves and each other!”

“Don’t hog all the glory!” one of the dwarves shouted, and Frederick grinned. 

These dwarves are crazy.

Almost done, and then give me a minute. I’ll be able to help!

And your mother?

Tazorath paused a moment, and Frederick could feel she was frustrated.

She is having problems with the left side. They are adjusting for her, which is why they are not firing at the army anymore.

Rolling his eyes momentarily, Frederick tried to ignore how Glynnis and Tazorath occasionally argued. He knew how he had been with his mother and couldn’t imagine what it was like having a dragon as one. 

Just let me know. I’m going for their clan leader! I need eyes soon!

The barbarians were running now, their feet thundering against the cold ground as they descended the slight incline. 

“One hundred yards! Be ready!”

The seconds passed faster than most could imagine, and within six seconds, the sound of shields and bodies slamming into each other rang out all around him.

Two barbarians came at him with their shields, bracing them with their shoulders, and slammed into Frederick.

He smiled, drove through them, using the shield King Aldric had given him, and collided with both men, sending them flying backward and into a few of their incoming allies.

The closest set of barbarians then started swinging their axes as their brothers and sisters slashed at the dwarves beside him.

Metal on metal, metal on wood, and then metal biting into flesh filled the air.

Yelling from both sides and cries of pain and those about to die limited orders that one could give in these moments.

Keeping the clan leader in his vision, Frederick and his group began to cut their way through the solid wall of barbarians, all screaming and trying to land a hit on them.


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