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It has started… where is that man?

Neither Glynnis nor Amaranth have seen him. The dwarves and wood elves started fighting a little while ago. 

You’re not telling me something… it’s just as bad there, isn’t it?

Telling you and distracting you isn’t my goal. We have different objectives, and we must trust the others with theirs. Now, focus; we need to find him.

Kaen continued to search the sky as Pammon soared over the capital city of Luthaelia.

Kaen had used Pammon’s eyes to look at the land below for the briefest amount of time, and his heart broke. Stioks had ravaged his own people, and there was filth and destruction wherever they looked. 

Scorched ground that could only come from a dragon marked random places in the countryside. Entire homes and lines of structures were eradicated and melted to ash.

This man has enslaved his own people to the orcs. I have seen a few places where orcs are herding people like cattle into buildings. 

The good news is the number of orcs is less. Imagine if we hadn’t assaulted the castle—all those monsters we killed… and attacked. There could easily be thirty thousand more here.

Scanning the sky, Kaen didn’t believe Stioks would be in the massive black castle positioned in the middle of the land. 

Pammon’s head turned upward, and he looked in every direction for a moment.

We need to fly down, and I want to grab a few trees. Perhaps if we knock gently, he will answer.

We are about thirty minutes from his castle if you feel it is safe. I am ready here.

Pammon grunted and angled himself toward the ground. As they flew lower, Kaen flexed his fingers around the grip of his bow. 

I’ll save my shot until I’m confident I cannot miss. 

Pammon said nothing as he continued his dive toward the earth. It came at them quickly as the bronze dragon did not want to waste time and put himself or Kaen at risk. In one quick motion, Pammon’s massive back claws wrapped around the trunk of a giant tree and his bronze wings began to beat rapidly.  The roots in the earth snapped in a moment, unable to resist the power of Pammon.  Dirt started to fall back toward the earth as the tree was lifted up into the sky, an awe inspiring sight for anyone who might have witnessed it. 


That tree is larger than I expected, yet you do not seem bothered by its weight.

Pammon grunted and looked back at Kaen as he continued to climb upward into the sky.

This tree weighs more than you believe, but I will be fine. That welp will fall to me or you. If they appear, letting this tree fall will only take a moment. 

Whenever Kaen thought he understood Pammon’s strength, he was reminded that there was nothing like his dragon. None of the council would probably pick a fight against him, even without the ability he had to command. Every year, climbing up into his saddle took longer as Pammon’s neck rested easily at about thirty feet when sitting.


The number of people has not increased. There are some outside, but I wonder how many are still alive. Even if you look at the walls with my eyes, you will see that most of the defenses he built are gone. 

Did he take his own defense for the army? Why would he do that?

Perhaps he bet we would assist there and wanted a chance to strike us down. The few weapons on the wall have no one manning them either.

Kaen looked around. They were only a few minutes away from being in position to drop the tree right onto the top of the castle. 

Would he really want to force us to come inside? That might be the better play, as it reduces your size and maneuverability and limits our actions to the ground.

It would also limit your use of the bow; we both know how he feels about that.

Unable to help it, Kaen grunted at how this was happening. The battle he had imagined and played out in his mind multiple times was not going as he had hoped. Running through a castle, he didn’t know provided too many opportunities to fall into a trap or suffer some spell. 

After you drop that tree, get me close enough that I can also do some damage. If Stioks won’t come out at first, I will do what I can to force him to show his face.

Pammon snorted, and Kaen could hear the slight strain in his breath. No matter how large Pammon was, flying for twenty minutes with that massive tree in his back claws was taxing his strength.

In just a few more moments, I will be ready.


A section of the stone castle fell, crashing into the ground below and sending up a cloud of dust.

Pammon began to circle, roaring as loudly as possible.

One minute passed, then two, yet no sign of Stioks or his dragon came from below.

Now it is my turn.

Arrow after arrow infused with his power fell upon the castle, taking out massive amounts of stone that fell to the ground.

I see people fleeing the castle. Where is this man and his dragon?! Why won’t they come and face us?

Kaen was overwhelmed by Pammon’s hatred for Stioks. Learning how the man had treated Pammon’s mother had not helped at all and had only ignited the fire within.

Let me keep firing. I will bring the castle down upon him if he won't come out.


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