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“Who’s the cutest baby?” Sulenda asked as Hess made faces behind her.

“I thought I was the cutest baby,” Callie said as her parents gushed over her nephew and niece.

Hess started to chuckle as Sulenda stood up and groaned.

“It’s an expression, dear. Unfortunately, your father and I cannot say wow, those children thankfully look nothing like their father, or your brother might get upset,” Sulenda replied, playing with Stein.

Callie laughed and glanced up at Kaen, who nodded.

“She’s right, sis. Ava and I are always thankful you look like your mother, not the milkman.”

Ava started coughing, trying not to laugh as she fed Anastasia. 

“Why does everyone say that?” Callie asked.

“It’s because they're full of shite, dear,” Hess grunted as he gave Kaen the middle finger.

“Well, I think they’re beautiful, and I am glad Mom and I get to help with them in a few days. I’ve always wanted a sister or brother.”

Hess began to cough, and Sulenda started to groan slightly, causing Stein to look at her with his big blue eyes.

“If you hadn’t told me what Pammon did, I’d wonder why these two seem so awake. Most children aren’t like this after a few days.”

Nodding, Kaen squeezed his dad’s shoulder. “I wouldn’t either, but even Pammon has said it’s different. He knows when they are awake, and even when we flew out to the school the other day, he could sense when Stein woke up.”

Hess stared at his grandchildren in amazement. “One shouldn’t be surprised anymore, I guess. You have a habit of the impossible always happening to you.”


“You’re certain this is the best choice? Letting her come?”

Kaen started to laugh, being taken aback at that question. “Let her come? How many times have you let Sulenda do something?”

Sucking air in through his teeth, Hess winced. “Fair point. Perhaps I should reword that question, not that I think it would matter.”

“It won’t,” Kaen replied as he finished stuffing some items in a pack for their children. “I’m just glad that Sulenda and Callie will be with our children and Ava’s parents. We need to get them dropped off as the army heads out tomorrow.”

“Eleven thousand men and women… it is not the largest army, but I don’t think anyone planned on ever doing what we are attempting.”

Pausing as he inserted a few more pairs of clean clothes into the pack, Kaen turned to look at his wife, Sulenda, and Callie, who were sitting on the couch and playing with his children.

“I’m not sure I ever imagined my life with kids, but here it is. Every person who is choosing to fight is doing it because they love someone, as I love my children. This fight isn’t about land or power, and you know it. It’s about protecting those over there.”

“Hairy dwarf balls, Kaen. When did you become so smart?” Hess asked, teasing the man he had raised for over ten years.

“I’d like to say you played a role in that, but we both know that can’t be true,” Kaen shot back, winking as he finished packing the sack. Are you ready to lead an army?”

“No, but I’ll do what needs to be done. Herb is staying back to provide leadership while Aldric is gone. Every general and advisor has been summoned but after the battles on the walls, we are down more than I would like to admit.  Only a few of the older ones remain. Even Bren is leaving his place and coming to fight. I never would have imagined a day that man would put on armor again to fight.”

Slinging the pack over his shoulder, Kaen’s jaw went slack for a moment. “I was just as surprised as you were, but I’m grateful for him being willing to. That man is still a beast at his age.”

Kaen noticed Ava looking at him, and he nodded. She smiled slightly, her lips forced together. She knew what it meant to leave her children.

“Time to go, Dad.”

As Kaen started to turn and move toward his wife, Hess grabbed Kaen’s arm and stopped him.

“I’m proud of you son. No matter what happens on that field, I want you to know that I have always been grateful for every day I have become a part of your life.”

Grabbing Kaen in a one-armed hug, Hess squeezed the man who could now easily crush him in a fight. 

“Is this where you ask for your ring back?” Kaen teased after they broke their embrace.

“No… I wouldn’t get the bonus; besides, it’s your wedding ring. You can’t take that off.”

Laughing, the two men walked to where their family awaited.


“Dear, this isn’t my first time caring for babies. Sulenda and I will be fine.”

Ava nodded, kissing both her kids for the hundredth time as Sulenda and her mother held one. “I know… it’s just hard.”

“You can always stay.”

Ava saw the way her mother's lips were drawn back and her cheek muscles showing. She knew her mother was not happy about Kaen letting her go fight, but this was a battle they all needed to be a part of.

“No, I can’t, and you know it. Now stop saying that and promise me you’ll take good care of them.”

“We got them, Ava,” Sulenda said, cutting in before Lady Hurem got herself in more trouble. “You go with our men and make sure they come home. Someone out there needs to keep a level head.”

Laughing, the women gave hugs and kisses, masking the fear of who might not return.


“This is all I could make potion-wise,” Lord Hurem said as he handed Kaen a thick pouch and a small pack. It contained four healing potions and one dragon potion. The dragon one should finally work.”

Kaen nodded as he took the pouches and the pack from his father-in-law. “I’m going to only keep one for myself. Ava will have one, Hess will have another, and the last will go to Aldric.”

Kaen slipped a potion out and handed it to Hess, who carefully held it in his hands and admired the glass bottle. 

“These look almost like the ones you sold a decade or more ago. The color is a little deeper red, though. Why is that Lord Hurem?”

“Ahh, yes! That is because I could break down and infuse a little bit of Pammon’s blood with those. Not having a dragon’s blood required us to find the rare herbs and get them magically altered. Those potions should not suffer the same effect as the others you had.”

“You mean I won’t scream inside my head?” Hess asked.

Shaking his head from side to side, Lord Hurem bit his lip as he squinted. “Hopefully. Again, I haven’t had a chance to get these tested, but either way, everything else is in there.”

Kaen had been listening to the two men talk and pulled out the massive potion Lord Hurem had made for Pammon. The thick glass container fit inside both of his hands, cupped together. Staring at it, Kaen noticed the potion's color was different from the others he had been given.

“Why is this one different than the others you made?”

“Ah! You have a keen eye, my boy! That is because, like your potions, I mixed some of your blood with Pammon’s! It took a while to get them to bond, as each of your life forces is different yet the same. One has to mix them for a long time to finally get them to mix together.”

Kaen and Pammon both began to think the same thought as Lord Hurem continued talking.

Do you think that is really the answer?!

Closing his eyes and igniting his lifestone, Kaen looked at the potion in his hand. 

Inside the glass bottle, two colors of red swirled around each other. Even though they were mixed to the naked eye, to Kaen’s ability to see life and magic, there was the same dance of magic on the glass inside the dragon rider vault.

Impossible! I mean… is it? Could it be…

You tried putting your blood on that glass and seeing if it would open years ago, but nothing happened. Do you really think it needs both of our blood?

Maybe, but are you willing to bleed so I can try?

Pammon groaned, and Kaen felt his dragon’s frustration at that thought.

For you always, but I swear if this doesn’t work, you’ll have to let me stab you after this battle is over.

Laughing, Kaen nodded.

If that is what this takes, then so be it.

Opening his eyes, Kaen looked at the potion in his hands again and realized both men were staring at him.

Slipping the potion back into the sack, Kaen handed it back to Lord Hurem. “I need you to hold this, and I need a jar and that awful needle again for Pammon.”

Lord Hurem’s eyebrow raised, and the older man glanced up at Pammon, who was still groaning softly. “I can get those in a moment. Can I ask why?”

“Yes, but I’ll answer later. I need to hurry and do this now.” Turning to Hess, he smiled. “Stay here with Ava and our family. I’ll be back in a moment.”

“Now I want to know what you’re up to like Lord Hurem asked, but I’ll trust you, son.”

Kaen nodded, handed the potion pouch to Hess, and then jogged to where Ava was as Lord Hurem ran off to get his supplies.

“We leaving?” Ava asked as she watched her father leave the courtyard.

“I am, but I’ll be back in a moment. Something I need to try once more. Are you ok spending a little more time with our children and mothers?”

Ava made a face, and Kaen started to laugh at it. “It looks like you have gas like XXXXX did the other day,” he teased.

She rolled her eyes and frowned. “I’ll be fine. Hurry back, my love.” She kissed Kaen and watched as her husband ran off to where Pammon was anxiously moving about.

“What’s going on?” Sulenda asked. 

“He won’t tell me, but it’s some dragon rider thing. He said he would be back in a few.”


I swear this gets worse every time.

Kaen pulled the massive needle from Pammon’s gum. “Sorry. Just know I don’t like doing it any more than you like receiving it,” Kaen said as he handed the needle to Hess.

And yet, I’m always on the receiving end.

Lord Hurem put a stopper in the two bottles he had filled and began wrapping them in cloth.

“These aren’t as strong as the ones the potions are in, but unless you drop them, they should be fine with a little jostling.”

Kaen nodded and waited for them to be secured in a pouch.

“I’ll be back, and hopefully, I’ll have some good news.”


Herb had been caught off guard when Kaen had shown up, papers and maps strewn all over his office. Yet when Kaen shared his thoughts, the man had dropped everything and raced through the maze of stairs.

As the lock clicked and the door began to swing open on its own, Herb bounced on his feet.

“You sure you don’t want to come in?” Kaen asked, chuckling at how excited his friend was.

“No,” Herb replied. “This is not something I can bear to watch. If it works, I would love to be in there, but if it doesn’t, I’m not sure I could handle seeing it fail… right now, I’ve got enough on my plate that this is weighing me down. I’ll stay out here praying to the spirits if you don’t mind.”

Kaen nodded and reached over, squeezing Herb’s shoulder. “Thank you again for letting me do this.”

Herb just nodded and watched as Kaen walked through the entrance to the vault.

He seemed very anxious. I think he is more than you or I at the moment.

And yet, I haven’t been this excited in a while.

You mean since a few days ago when your children were born?

Kaen chuckled as he crossed the room. His dragon had a way of always knowing him better than he did sometimes.

Reaching the cabinet with the armor inside, Kaen touched the glass with his hand. 

I guess there is no time like now to try.


Mario Schade

I like the names. :D Authors often choose short names (or rather names with few syllables), so I'm glad Anastasia is breaking that up a bit. And i really like this name for girls. Here, the decision doesn't seem to have been made while writing: Ava made a face, and Kaen started to laugh at it. "It looks like you have gas like XXXXX did the other day," he teased.