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Do not drop that low! You are risking both of your lives when you do that!

Pammon shouted louder than he intended as Foros dove toward the target that Phillip was waiting to try shooting at with his bow. The silver dragon kept forgetting how different he flew with a person's weight on him. A week of flying with the harness and saddle had helped prepare him for those changes, but Phillip was over two hundred pounds of solid muscle, and it was still a new experience for both of them.

Phillip took his shot and missed by a dozen yards. Kaen could see the young man’s frustration.

Tell him to relax. When Foros is anxious and tight, it makes it harder on both of them. Let his legs and the clips deal with keeping him in the saddle. Focus on taking the shot when it feels right.

Pammon relayed the information as the rider and dragon moved back up into the sky.

Tazorath and Frederick started their turn, and Kaen smiled as the female dragon, though not as strong as her brother, had a better grasp on how to fly with the extra weight on her back. 

Her angles were almost always perfect, and when it came time to turn or dive, each wing was in the precise position to keep her from getting off balance.

The same dive that had gotten Foros and Patrick came up, and the red dragon came down over the treetops and into the straight path of cleared trees. Frederick waited, keeping his core tight and the bow ready. He drew back and let it go only when he was almost on the target.

He missed by only a few yards, and Kaen could see him smile. He also gave Tazorath a few pats as they began their climb out of the straightaway.

Tell them both to land. We’ve been at this for a while, and I want to talk for a few minutes instead of relaying the same information repeatedly.

Pammon thrummed and watched as his children turned to where Kaen always held these conversations.


“Phillip, tell me what you think Foros is doing wrong.”

Kaen watched as Phillip opened his mouth and then closed it, choosing to consider his words for a moment. Foros’s eyelids closed halfway as he stared at his rider.

“That’s not really fair… I mean, we already heard what Pammon has said.”

Kaen shrugged and shook his head. “Do you think Pammon and I agree on everything? We fight all the time. I say and do things he doesn’t like, and he says and does things I don’t like. You two, however,” Kaen said as he pointed a finger between the two, “can’t seem to stop fighting and trust each other. Now listen and pay attention.”

Kaen moved to where Foros was, holding out his hand and waiting on the silver dragon. After a moment, he put his head against Kaen’s hand. A change in the dragon’s attitude began as Kaen stood there momentarily.

Listen to me, Foros. Tell me what is wrong.

The gold eyes stared at him, and Kaen could feel the frustration flowing through the silver dragon's body.

I… I’m afraid I can’t do what I need to, and it will get us both killed.

Kaen nodded and began to scratch the scales of Foros.

Listen to me and know what I’m about to say is true. I have those same fears as does your sire.

Foros looked at Kaen before turning his gaze to Pammon, who nodded.

Part of this bond is fearing for the other person or dragon's life. I felt guilty for a long time after my actions got your sire shot early in our bonding. It pained me more than you can know that when I chose to tell him to do something, it could have possibly ruined his chances of flying for some time.

He likewise can tell you stories of when he feared I would die because of his actions or my own. The difference, though, is we don’t hold it back. We share it with each other. You and Phillip have to be honest with one another, and I can see that you aren’t.

Kaen turned to Phillip, who was getting only one side of the conversation. He could see how Phillip handled the fear of his dragon.

“Listen to me, Phillip. I’ve known you a long time, and I know how brave you are and can be. But tell Foros what you’re afraid of.”

Looking down at the ground, Phillip breathed heavily for a moment. “I also fear that I will cause Foros to get injured or… killed.”

The silver dragon moved his head from Kaen’s hand and shifted to where his rider was. He nudged Phillip with his snout, and the young rider embraced his dragon. Kaen stood there watching the two of them.

Their close. 

I know, but we can’t force it. It has to be them.

“Phillip, look at me.”

The young man scratched his dragon for a moment and then turned to see what Kaen would say next.

“He is your friend and partner for life. If you die, he will die. If he dies, you will die. Do you really understand this?”

Phillip took a massive breath and let it out slowly as he nodded. “I do.”

“Then both of you need to take some time and figure out what your bond really means to each other. Remember what it was like when you first heard each other and touched one another, those first scratches and times you played together. Remember how you felt the first time you saw him get hurt.”

Kaen motioned to Foros to come closer to him. After the dragon had, Kaen again reached out and gave him a gentle scratch along the jaw.

“Foros, remember how you felt when you saw the two of them surrounded by those Kobolds. The panic that was in your heart at the injury. How you couldn’t be stopped no matter what we said and dove down to help him, even if it meant you might injure yourself.”

Phillip started to chuckle, and a gentle thrum came from Foros.

I remember that feeling… and the talking I got from my father later.

Kaen grinned and nodded.

“Now, you two go further down the field and spend a little bit being honest. Stop being brave for the other and stop trying to hide how you feel. Remember how it hurts when you are apart. I’ll call you both back in a bit, and we can give this another go.”

Are we not in trouble?

Kaen shook his head. “Not at all. Remember, most of what you’re going through I have been through. Your father and I have had many hard moments, and now we can feel each other to the point that it is almost impossible to hide anything from one another. That is because we are committed more than anything else.”

Foros tilted his head, and his eyelids went completely wide momentarily.

Even more than your mate?

Kaen groaned, and Pammon started to thrum.

Do not make him answer that question, my son. The answer he gives, no matter how painful, will not help his mate or me. I know how he feels, and I can tell you this. He cares about everyone so much that he is risking his life, yet if it came down to the world or me, I would win.

Pammon leaned close, bringing his snout down to where it touched the top of Foros’s head.

The difference is I am just as committed to him. I would not allow him to sacrifice who he is for me. If it meant the world or my life, I would give my own because of what the pain of losing this world would cost him.

Kaen reached out and touched Pammon. “As he has said… you will know the other and how you feel, but only after you are honest—really honest. Now go.”

Phillip and Foros started walking in the direction Kaen had pointed, and Kaen shook his head as he looked up at Pammon.

“It’s a good thing I love you, or I’d punch you.”

Pammon groaned and took a few steps back, giving Kaen room with Tazorath and Frederick.

“As for you two,” Kaen said as he turned to face them. “When did your bond change?”

Frederick’s mouth opened slightly, and Kaen was certain that if Tazorath hadn’t had red scales, she would have blushed.

“How did you know?” Frederick asked, stammering as he did.

“It’s not my first time. I can tell by how you two act and treat each other.”

It was two days ago. After that crash we had.

Kaen started to laugh, his eyebrows raised as he remembered that moment. “It was a pretty bad crash. I could tell you both were scared for the other.”

“After it happened and Amaranth healed us, we just shared that fear and…” Frederick paused, turning his head to where Phillip and Foros were. “You’re trying to get them to figure out what we did.”

“I am. Tazorath, how do you feel since the change in the bond?” Kaen asked.

It is different in a good way. I can understand how he feels better and even start to know what he wants to do. He also knows what I am feeling, and he anticipates my movements better when we are flying.

Holding his hand as he did for Foros, Kaen waited for Tazorath to come to him. She didn’t hesitate and moved quickly, putting her snout against his hand. She trilled as Kaen began to scratch her scales.

“You two have reached the first step. There are many more steps in your bond, and that will take time for you two to figure out,” Kaen said. “Let me share one last bit of advice.”

Taking his hand down from Tazorath’s snout, Kaen moved to where Frederick was. “You must figure out what drives you and makes you do this. Figure out what will keep you fighting even when nothing else is left. Whoever or whatever that is, once you are committed to it, and once Tazorath knows it, things will change again.”

Frederick nodded as he glanced off to the side somewhere, obviously lost in his thoughts.

Pammon moved close to his daughter and nuzzled against her a little.

Little one, you must also help your rider find his purpose, and it must be one you can agree with. If you do not, your bond will not change. It will stay as it is now. Both of you will be weaker, and there is a closeness you won’t know. 

Pammon pulled his head back and looked down at his daughter. 

Trust me when I say these next words; I mean them with my entire being. There is no joy greater, not even the joy I have watching you grow and become a strong dragon like what I have with being Kaen’s dragon. Even your mother or Amaranth cannot match how I feel. You know how special you are to me because you feel my love for you. I hope you and your rider can achieve the bond Kaen and I share one day. Nothing else, no matter how great or amazing it is, will matter when you do. Not even yourself.

Tazorath stared at her father and slowly nodded. Turning her head to where Frederick was, she moved closer and pressed against him.

Frederick started laughing and scratched her neck repeatedly as she trilled.

Kaen sighed and looked at Pammon, seeing his best friend and partner staring at him.

Perhaps we should take the rest of the day off. You and I need a moment to talk.


Kaen looked down at the land beneath him. The few clouds below where he and Pammon were flying hid portions of the land, but there were gaps that seemed like little pockets of treasure. Clumps of trees, a road, life.

What are you thinking? I can feel your mind and heart wandering.

You really meant what you said to Tazorath, and I know it. I needed a moment up here to say those same things to you. Even more, I need to say one last thing.

Kaen undid his harness and began to walk along Pammon’s neck even as the air rushed against him.

Pammon did what he could to glide, ensuring not to shift too much.

Every day, I’m grateful for you and how you love me. I know we don’t use those words enough, and sometimes you don’t like them, but I keep hearing them appear as time goes by.

Kaen began to crouch down as he made his way to Pammon’s skull, using his hands and feet to crouch along the ridges and spikes on the upper part of his friend's neck. Finally, he reached the two horns on the back of his friend's massive head and grabbed onto both of them, standing between them and letting the wind blast against his body.

What are you doing, you eggling?

Kaen laughed, and even though the wind carried it away immediately, he didn’t try to stop it. Staring out this way was a whole different view and one he had not enjoyed enough. 

Bending down, Kaen kept one hand on a horn and began to scratch the scales near the outer part of the horn on Pammon’s skull.

Trills and a controlled cough came from Pammon, and Kaen smiled as he felt his friend sigh.

I know you won’t promise me to not sacrifice yourself if you believe doing so would save me or anyone else. Just know that I would never want to trade you for anything. You’re part of me.

Kaen tapped his chest with his free hand.

As much as my lifestone is part of me, so are you. So don't throw yourself away for me.

Pammon said nothing, knowing Kaen wasn’t done as the words and emotions inside his friend wrestled in his heart.

There is a reason why the bond said what it said. We are one soul. For that reason, I will destroy Stioks and anyone else who tries to take you or anyone else in our family away. I promise you this.

Pammon continued to fly, slowing down some so the wind wasn’t as strong against them. After a few minutes, Kaen felt his friend and the thoughts he had.

Soon, we shall do what we made a pact for a long time ago. To give everything so that others can have a family and never lose another loved one.

Kaen smiled and leaned against his friend’s skull, gently scratching the scales as they flew above the world.


James Nagy

“As much as my lifestone is part of me, so are you. So do throw yourself away for me.” I’m assuming that’s supposed to say don’t throw yourself away for me.