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“This is going to be the big test!” Kaen exclaimed as Frederick and Phillip finished getting ready.

When they looked far away, the dry dirt of the desert and the heat were already starting to cause ripples across the ground.

“You both know what to do. After all, it only took a week for you both to finally defeat one hundred guards after your dragons helped.”

Frederick smiled when he lifted his belt and checked the weapons strapped across his back. 

“Let me ask a question for the hundredth time. How much are you planning on actually doing in these fights?”

Kaen shrugged, wearing the same grin he had worn every time the boys had tried to get a specific answer from him.

“I’m here to assist as I see fit. Don’t get overwhelmed; work together. Your dragons will provide support from the sky. If this fight goes well, we will find a bigger group, and I will help more.”

Kaen crossed his arms and stared at the two dragon riders, each wearing a black dragon-scale tunic and pants. Their arms, hands, feet, and helmets were standard chainmail but would provide plenty of protection against what they would face.

“You two are much stronger than when we were in the cave. If you had been this strong back then, we would have killed every orc, goblin, and ogre in there.”

They smiled and poked the other playfully before Kaen’s grunt made them get serious again.

“Today, you could die,” Kaen stated, pausing afterward to prove the seriousness of his words. “Yes, Amaranth is here, and I have two potions, but we are not planning on needing them. Is that understood?”

Both nodded, each rechecking their outfit and weapons.

“Good. Now, we have about two miles to cover before we find the group Pammon has found. We won’t run, but a good jog should help loosen us up. Any last questions?”

Both boys shook their heads.

Nodding, Kaen started to jog in the direction Pammon was.

We are coming.

I know… there are about four hundred here, by my current count. Foros and Tazorath are anxious, but from what I see, this should be a pretty easy fight. There are no mages and only a few archers.

Time to see how these young men do. Tell Amaranth to be ready, just in case.

Pammon’s laughter came through their bond, and Kaen groaned a little as he ran.

So much for complete confidence, but she is ready if needed.


Phillip and Frederick didn’t slow down as the massive gathering of Kobolds came into view. They were moving at a steady pace away from them and were only a quarter of a mile away when the Kobolds at the back of the army noticed them.

They are changing directions. They see you.

“Foros says they see us! Let’s go!” Phillip shouted, picking up the pace. Frederick moved a few yards away, keeping a distance both felt comfortable having.

Kaen followed from behind, glad the boys had first gone with a shield and sword. He might have recommended the spear had they asked, but each had over a thirty already in their sword skill and wanted to use what they felt strongest with.

The Kobold army shifted, trying to protect those at the back who were weaker than the group at the front. They had not expected trouble from behind, and none of them had realized yet the real strength of the enemy at their flanks.

Both boys reached them before the enemy could respond. In less than forty seconds, they were cutting through the scales of the creatures, shrieks and shouts coming as every strike cut down a Kobold.

Get closer to Phillip. You’re drifting away! Go left!

Kaen watched as Frederick adjusted himself in the midst of battle, aware of the information their dragons were relaying. Both Foros and Tazorath kept their minds open as they spoke so that Kaen would be aware and could assist if needed.

Three larger armored ones on your left!

Smiling, Kaen knew Foros had worked hard to do what Pammon instructed worked best. His short directions made Phillip a beast on the practice field.

Phillip shouted something, and Kaen couldn’t hear it as he stayed behind about twenty yards, only killing a Kobold when one was foolish enough to come at him.

Frederick shifted, following Phillip’s change in direction. Both boys had soon cut through the thin layer of protective defenses the army had at the back of their line and were now in the archers and smaller troops with limited weapons, if any.

There is a group of fifty heavily armored warriors pushing through their ranks. You have about one minute before they get there!

Frederick shouted something, and Kaen heard ‘one minute’ over the sounds of the dying enemy. Both men drew closer to each other, tightening up their defenses.

Occasionally, a few Kobolds would attempt to flank them, and both would pivot, allowing the one to clear their flanks while the other kept their front direction clear.

Over a hundred are dead already.

Kaen grunted as Pammon relayed how they were doing.

That is impressive. How big is this group coming at them?

Stay close, but they should be ok if they don’t get surrounded.

Kaen moved closer, killing two Kobolds foolish enough to run at him, their heads falling off with a single slash of his sword.

He could see the group of Kobolds that Pammon and Tazorath had mentioned. They were like the ones he had seen when Pammon and he had helped Glynnis. Standing taller than the rest, they wore a mixture of chain and some plate armor. It appeared most were wielding a buckler or larger shield, and spears were pointing upward as they moved through the ranks.

Communicate with them what’s coming and the weapons used!

Heavy warriors with spears and shields! Some with swords and a few with clubs!

Kaen smiled as Foros immediately responded. 

Both Frederick and Phillip could see the advancing heavily armored Kobolds. With time ticking down before the group reached them, both boys started backing up quickly. They began to sheath their swords and pull the spears off their backs.

After killing a few of the standard Kobolds in range, the boys set up side by side, preparing to deal with the first real threat of the day.

You have moved closer to them. Do I need to come or send Amaranth?

Not yet. I can help if need be, but this is their first real test since the walls. I don’t expect trouble, but it would be foolish not to be prepared.

As they spoke, the first seven heavily armored Kobolds rushed at the two dragon riders, not yet understanding the caliber of warriors they were about to engage with.

Each boy moved faster than the warriors had anticipated, and in the first few seconds of fighting, four were dead, and two were injured.

Kaen couldn’t help but smile as the boys rushed forward as one, their spears moving so fast that they would be a blur to most people.

As the second row of armored Kobolds made their way into the foray, Frederick and Phillip were finishing off the first line of attackers.

The choice to switch to a spear had been the best move. They did not allow themselves to be outranged by the weapon, and combined with their speed and strength, every blow was a killing one.

Stabs to the warriors struck their faces or necks with such consistency that Kaen made a mental note to ask the two what their skill was.

In less than a minute, the group of armored warriors were on the ground, dead or dying, as the boys broke apart slightly and began to hunt down those who had yet to start running.

The chaos of the army turning on itself to flee while being unable to when the front of the army had come back trying to help, created rows of Kobolds unable to move.

Faster than Kaen had hoped, all but a few of the army were dead, as a few had managed to run away.

I’ve got these. Foros, you get those.

Kaen watched as the two dragons approached, their bodies glistening in the sun's rays as they reflected off their scales. Two arrows of death, one silver, and one red, came at the creatures, who had no idea what was about to befall them.


“Tell me your thoughts on how this went.”

Both boys finished drinking the water skin Kaen had given them and looked at the other, waiting to see who might go first.

Sighing, Frederick decided it would fall on him as he lowered his skin first.

“Overall, it felt easy… am I allowed to say that?”

Nodding, Kaen watched, his arms still crossed across his chest.

“Their warriors in the back were not a threat, and at first, I know Phillip and I were anxious about the armored warriors, but with how few could come at one time, it wasn’t that bad. I’m not sure I would say the Kobolds are any different than an orc or even if that.”

Nodding, Phillip wiped his arm across his lips. “Be honest with us. How was this fight compared to what the army will be like?”

Kaen laughed and pointed at the bodies behind them. “A battle like you two will face will be different. There will be countless men and fights taking place all around you. Bodies will be everywhere, and your hardest problem will be which man is on your side. You won't be certain without something to mark someone as an ally. Based on how you two appear to be skilled right now and the strength and speed you both have, the big test will be once surrounded.”

Kaen moved back, took his sword, put the tip into the cracked ground, and spun around, creating a circle.

“This is my range with my sword. Anything or anyone who comes within this gets attacked unless I’m certain they are an ally. Even with that armor you wear and hopefully the full set you have, weapons can pierce it from a strong enough foe. Even a goblin, if he gets lucky, might slip a spear or sword into a spot that isn’t protected. I doubt it would kill you unless it was an eye or your throat, but it will hurt and make fighting harder.”

Pammon started to thrum as he gobbled down another Kobold, the dragons all filling their stomachs with the fallen foes.

“Phillip, stand here and Frederick over here.”

Both young men moved to the opposite sides of the circle Kaen had made.

“Do what I did, and now draw a circle, but don’t move from where you are standing.”

Each of them repeated Kaen’s movements, and their circles almost met precisely in the middle of his.

“In a battle, one of the problems fighting side to side is your circle overlaps. While that is good, fighting with swords is hard, which is why the front lines often have shields and spears. Thrusting is easier and can press against those charging. If both sides have that style, then it becomes often who can push back the other while injuring them. What you two need to be is someone that destroys their formation and takes out those leading them.”

Kaen moved from where both the boys stood and smiled. “Do me a favor and watch what I’m about to do.”

A few yards from both boys, Kaen put his weapon away and flashed a grin.”


The second both Frederick and Phillip nodded, Kaen moved.

Each held their spear still in their hand and pointed at the ground. They tried to react as Kaen went from a resting position to in each of their faces, yanking the spear from their clenched fists.

“What the–”

In less than four seconds, Kaen was back where he had started, holding both spears.

“This is what you need to become,” Kaen said, his smile gone. “You need to learn to move faster than everyone else and attack with such speed there is no time to react.” He tossed both boys their spears and then sighed. “People and monsters move at one speed, but weapons move much faster. Learn to be faster than the weapon.”

Frederick rubbed his face with his hand and groaned. “All it takes is five more years.”

Shrugging, Kaen motioned to Pammon. “And a dragon like mine. Don’t worry, though. You two are becoming more than I could have ever hoped for at this stage of training. Now, get some food and use the restroom if you need to. We got more kobolds to hunt.”


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