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“They look like kids,” Ava whispered as she watched Frederick running his hand along the outer edge of the shell that Glynnis had just deposited on the bed of straw he had made for it.  “Look at his face.”

Kaen nodded and smiled, pulling Ava close as they stood side by side. “I’ll never forget the day I found Pammon. It was hard to describe.  Inside my mind and heart, I could hear his voice call to me.”  Kaen chuckled and shook his head as he replayed that moment in his mind. “I remember Hess trying to pull me away, and he said I fought him like a bear.  I can't recall that part, but all I could think of was being there for Pammon.”

Ava nodded, watching Kaen as he shared that memory again with her. “What happens if they hatch while you are gone?”

“They have Glynnis and Amaranth.  I’ve learned that when a rider bonds with a dragon, they can communicate with all dragons within a certain range if the dragon is willing and known.  I can only imagine how they will handle two mothers telling them how to raise their young.”

Ava chuckled as she saw Kaen’s smile and glanced back at Glynnis, who was doing her best to stay back and give Frederick and the egg a little space.  “She is anxious.”

“Very… she mentioned it was harder than she had thought it would be,” Kaen replied.  “I can only imagine how hard it was on Pammon’s mother.”

Ava nodded.  “While they are busy, let’s return to our place.”

Kaen looked at his wife and the way she was smiling and nodded.  “Whatever you say, my love.”

Lying there in bed beside each other, Kaen found breathing hard.


“You… you’re sure?”

Ava nodded and gently ran her hand around the area that was constantly inflamed on his chest.  The hand print was gone, but the flesh was constantly forming a boil or turning discolored compared to the rest of him.

“I’m sure.  Amaranth told me three days ago.  Somehow, she could tell.  Are you still okay with me coming on this trip?”

Kaen nodded. His chest still felt tight at hearing she was pregnant again. “And Amaranth is certain it is twins?”

A giggle escaped Ava’s lips as she sat up and smiled at him.

Kaen could see the light in her eyes, the hope that she had after the last pregnancy.  She was absolutely giddy.

“She is! I cannot wait to tell my parents, but I will until we return.  If you are ok with that.”

Sitting up, Kaen slid till he was against the back of the bed frame and then pulled her close.  “I am completely ok with that.  You know I will always allow you to lead when it comes to matters like this.  Are you… do you feel fine?”

Ava took a deep breath and let it out, smiling the entire time.  “I feel amazing, and I don’t want you worried and acting like Glynnis or Amaranth is right now.  There is no reason to expect the same thing to happen, and I don’t want us living in fear of that.  Do you understand?”

Her tone had changed, and she glared at him even as she smiled.

Nodding, he moved so he could kiss her.  “I will not act like either of those two, I promise.”

“Good, because if you did, you might find your bed a little colder at night.”

Chuckling, Kaen sighed and pulled her close.  “I would never want that.”


“You two behave,” Kaen said as Ava took turns giving Amaranth and Glynnis scratches.  “Remember, those boys will not survive if the two of you smother them too much.  Both are extremely grateful and excited.  Once they have bonded, do your best to allow them to fail a little. Nothing teaches the importance of doing things right than having to shove dragon crap.”

Pammon thrummed at that comment, and both female dragons turned their attention to him.

“You can ask him later.  Any questions?”

I’m so excited for you and Ava! Glynnis shouted in his head, making Kaen wince slightly.  We look forward to the day your children come, and we get to see them!

Kaen smiled and nodded as Amaranth touched her nose against Ava’s outstretched hand.

Watch over my sister.  Do not let her become too tired.  And make sure she eats.  Those two children will need lots of food.

“I will ensure Pammon brings us as much as she needs each night.”

Satisfied with Kaen’s answers, both female dragons came and touched their snouts against Pammons before moving away and giving them space to climb on.

“Feels like we are leaving for a month with all this stuff,” Ava groaned.  “And these packages smell awful.”

“Dragon scales… even when cleaned, they do have a scent.  Maybe it’s just the whole pregnancy thing.”

Ava didn’t say a word as she climbed up Pammon’s side and moved to her spot on the saddle.

Once both of them were buckled in, Pammon gave a slight growl, and Kaen noticed he smiled, sensing a wave of humor and something else through their bond.

What was that?

A groan came from his dragon as they leaped from the cave, and he began to beat his wings.

All this talk of babies has gotten those two worked up… each of them has ‘informed’ me that when I get back, it may be time to spend some alone time with each of them.

Chuckling, Kaen squeezed Ava’s arm as she leaned against his back, using him to shield her from the wind.

Just remember to shield me from those moments.  I cannot handle enduring that while Ava is pregnant.

Don’t worry… part of this is because Amaranth can sense what you and Ava did yesterday.  She has bonded with her in a different way.  It’s not an actual dragon rider bond, but their emotions convey more than should be possible.

Do you… Kaen stopped, knowing that question was folly.  I suppose we shall one day learn how all this works.  It is a shame Elies was not able to share more.

He gave us all he had.  Is she certain she can fly as long as we had initially planned?

Just go till she tells me we need to stop.  And stay a little lower if you don’t mind.  I don’t expect to encounter Stioks, but I also don’t want to freeze her out.

I already intended on that.

Scratching his friend's neck, Kaen took a deep breath and let it out.

Moments like these make life worth fighting for.


“What happened?!”

Ava’s shout was barely heard, but Kaen could only shrug as he looked at the carnage beneath them.

Can you communicate with her that we don’t know? Hopefully, this will not go on forever.

I have already informed her of that.  It is the work of ordinary fire, though.  It doesn’t look like a dragon did this.

Which would mean the orcs and goblins… How long has it been since we have been up here? Six months?

Longer… We may have to search for the wood elves.  It may take longer than we expected.  I will also need to fly to the west to try and find a place to camp for the night.  Being in that mess below would not be good for either of you.

Kaen looked at the burnt remains of the forest below.  As far as their eye could see was a black landscape, destroyed and burnt trees, and sections that had been knocked down completely.  It stretched from the east and died out in the west, showing Kaen that it had to have come from near Luthaelia.

Let’s head to the west a little and see how far this stretches.  I would rather not have to fly so far later.  Have you seen any animals?

Only a few, but for the most part, no.  Not even a lot of birds are down there.  This happened a while ago.  At least a few months.  I can tell by the greenery starting to sprout up in certain areas.

Months… I hope they are still alive.

Have no fear.  Those elves are not going to stand and die.  If I learned anything from our last visit, they are not foolish enough to fight as others, dying when there is a chance to flee and live elsewhere.

Yes… but if that is the case…

Finding them may prove to be extremely difficult.


Kaen watched as the forest slowly appeared in jagged sections where flames had not burnt up all the trees.  Some were charred, and then it was as if the forest said ‘no more’ and the fire had just stopped.

Their path had taken them a bit off course from their intended direction, but Kaen knew it was necessary, especially when Ava squeezed his arm four times quickly.

We need to take a bathroom break.  Are you ok with that?

Pammon thrummed and nodded.

She already asked me a few minutes ago.  I told her I was looking for somewhere that would work for us to land.  I’ll take this as she needs to go sooner rather than later.


As Ava and Pammon stayed together, Kaen moved to the east and reached the section that had burnt out.  Inspecting the ground, he noticed the greenery starting to overtake the burnt area. Grass and wildflowers created a new canvas of life over the dead area.

I guess it is good that what happened wasn’t a spell like the one used on Roccnari.  Still, the question I have is how a fire could burn so far.  These trees aren’t dead.  In fact, they look healthier than most trees I have seen in a long time.

My answer sounds weird, but perhaps the magic of the forest that the elder Queleth talks about is real.  How many people consider dragons to be a myth or thing of legend?  Herb even told you that the wood elves have a special connection with the land.

Kaen nodded as he plucked a tender shoot from the soil and tasted it.  It was sweet, and he could feel the life in it.

Then it hit him.

Closing his eyes, Kaen activated his lifestone and felt the power flowing through him.  He opened himself to the view of the world he had learned while blind and held his hand over his eyes at the brightness of the green lights surrounding him.

Pammon… the land… it is full of magic…

Confusion came through their bond.

You’re looking with your other sense, aren’t you?  What does it look like?

Kaen spun around slowly, seeing the power shifting as the trees closest to the spot where the fire stopped almost looked like a roaring fire of green lights running up and down its massive trunk.

Where the fire ended, the green lights danced all over, up and down every flower and blade of grass.  Bending down, Kaen pinched off a flower and watched as the flow stopped coming into it but saw inside the flower a glow that pulsed.

There is a… give me a moment to think.  Imagine a river that flows through the forest.  Water rushes everywhere within the area it travels.  These plants, trees, and blades of grass all have that flowing into them.  They are saturated with it.  Where the fire stops, I can see the same power pushing into those sections, forcing it back inside.  The land that is completely burnt isn’t devoid of this energy. It is just… like a damn is holding it back.  Some still seep out, but not the full extent of what they want to.

So, is the forest alive? Is it magical?

Kaen moved to a tree and put his hand against the bark.  He could see tiny insects climbing up the tree, their own lights against the one that the tree was bursting with.  As he stood there, holding his hand against the trunk, he tried to think about how to see if Pammon was right.

He could sense and hear his dragon and Ava coming toward him, but he wanted to somehow tap into the power inside the tree.

Taking a few deep breaths, he watched as his own power in his hand pressed against the power of the tree.

Controlling his breathing, he relaxed, focusing on that point where his skin touched the bark.  He willed the power in him to concentrate in his fingers. It gathered there, spinning and pooling in his hand as he tried to will it to somehow connect to the tree.

Moments passed, and time seemed to stretch as he tried to push it out of his hand.

Frustration took over as nothing he did seemed to work.

Yanking his hand from the bark, Kaen sighed and turned off his lifestone, letting his vision return to normal.

“That bad?” Ava asked.

Kaen snorted as she slowly turned and saw his dragon and wife watching him.

“I’m  guessing I need to be a wood elf if I want to be a tree hugger.”

Both of them groaned as he smiled.

“We ready to keep flying?”

“I should be good for a few more hours.  Besides, Pammon promised me my own deer.”

Kaen chuckled and moved to help her get up on Pammon’s back.

“I’d like my own deer as well, if you please.”

We shall see…

Thrumming, Pammon smiled, waited for them to finish getting situated, and buckled in.  Once Kaen had tapped him on the neck, Pammon moved to the edge of the burnt land and snorted.

The cycle of life is complex.  So often, something must die for a new life to begin.

With that deep thought, he took off, sending clouds of ash into the air, rising above a barren land while turning to fly above one filled with life.



I swear to god, if anything happens to the twins, I will swim across the Atlantic Ocean, find you and slap you!