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It had taken a few minutes for Kaen and Ava to regain their composure after that moment.  Each of them cried and smiled, laughing and hugging at all of it.

“I won’t lie, it’s not fair,” Ava stated as she wiped her face again.

“Many mothers have complained to me about that very thing,” Queleth said, grinning the entire time.  “They think I’m cheating, but it is a gift I am grateful the forest has given.  Children are rare among us compared to you humans.  We treasure every child, celebrating the life given to our community.”

A cough came, and the three turned to see Sedel motioning at Kaen with her head.

“Ah yes, the next thing… I almost forgot,” Queleth stated.  “Kaen, I need to teach you how to do something… after I do, we will never get to speak again as we do now.”

Kaen saw how Queleth’s face changed, and his lips were drawn tight.  “What do you mean? Teaching me will kill you?”

“Not like you think, but yes… I am… I am dying, Kaen.  The forest has given me one last moment of joy before I go.  Right now, I have more power and energy than I have had in months.  That is because the forest has poured into me, and I must give it back.  It is when I do that you will learn what you must. It is then when you will be able to help Sedel and all my people.”

Kaen started to speak when Queleth held up an unsteady hand.

“Don’t argue.  If you don’t do this with me, learning what you must will be even more difficult, and I am afraid… more of my people will die.  Do you understand?”

Sighing, Kaen nodded.  He had been put in enough positions to understand when what needed to be done wasn’t what he wanted to do.  It was in those moments when the right thing required the strongest will.  To push through when most would quit because it wasn’t easy.

“What do I need to do?”

Leaning over, Queleth placed his hand on Kaen’s knee and smiled.

“Just trust me, boy.”


It had been a quiet moment with no words spoken as Kaen carried Queleth down the stairs and rope bridges.  The older elf had smiled, enjoying the sun rays that somehow came through the canopy overhead.

Kaen wanted to ask, but it was as if the trees themselves had moved their branches to share the light with a protector of the forest.

“Here, set me down here and then come close,” Queleth said when Sedel stopped at the base of the largest tree in the small town.

Bending down, Kaen set the elder against the bark, watching as Queleth reached out with his hand and gently stroked it, smiling as he did.

“Listen, my children,” Queleth spoke in a voice that seemed louder and stronger than one in his condition should be capable of.  “I am about to join our ancestors.  Today, I will become one with our forest.  This man, this dragon rider… my friend shall send me on my way.”

A murmur and some voices were heard, and Kaen now noticed the gathering of what must be every wood elf inside the village.

“Do not argue and do not resist.  The trees themselves have spoken about this, told me he was coming, and leant me the strength you can hear in my voice so that this moment can happen now.”

Kaen stepped back as Queleth rose suddenly, his body which had shaken so much no steady as he slid his grip up the tree.

Gasps rang out, and Kaen saw tears in the entire village as they saw Queleth stand as he once had.

“My children, follow your new elder Sedel.  She was chosen for this task, trained, and is committed.  It is no coincidence that Kaen and her are friends. We must trust the forest in its choosing.  Now, each of you.  Go home and wait.  Soon, you shall feel me.”

Sobs rang out for a moment more before every elf turned as one, leaving just Kaen, Sedel, and Ava with Queleth.

A sound caught Kaen’s attention, and he turned to see Queleth sliding down the tree, his legs going weak.  He caught the man with a speed most wouldn’t possess and gently lowered him to the ground.

“Thank you,” whispered Queleth, his voice ragged and weak. “Now listen and do what I say.  My time is almost over, and we must hurry.”

Ava watched, tears in her eyes, as she moved to where Sedel was and reached out, grabbing her hand and squeezing.  Sedel moved closer to Ava and smiled, “Thank you,” she whispered as tears ran like streams from her eyes.

“Use the sight.  See my life.  See my power leaving me.  Put your hand on mine and then focus and obey.”

Kaen’s heart ached, his lifestone surged, and as it did, he felt a presence drawing near.  He had been so swept up in the moment that he hadn’t noticed Pammon and that his dragon was so close.

Tell him I am here.  Tell him I will help.

Help wi–

Just tell him… I can feel… I can sense what is about to happen… together we will help his people.

Kaen let the fire and power overwhelm him, feeling his vision shift and seeing the faint glow of the man he knew next to him.

Queleth’s hand was against the massive, bright, surging power of the tree, and Kaen placed his hand over his friends.

“Pammon is here and says he will help.”

Kaen could see the smile, a light forming where the elf’s lips formed.

“Thank you…”

Trying to calm the shakes that were about to overtake him, Kaen could hear his friend's voice and how weak it was.

“Listen…  See the flow… the life leaving me and into the tree… match it… desire it… share yourself with it,” Queleth said, taking deep breaths as he spoke.  “Share your strength with my people…”

A sound he knew far too well came from Queleth’s lips, and Kaen knew the elder had taken his last breath.

The last of the lights in his body were flowing to the tree, leaving quickly. Kaen ached, seeing his friend go but knowing what he had to do.

Power from Pammon filled him, and energy from his own life drove him.

His hand lit up brighter than the tree as he pressed against his friend's hand and willed what he had. Wanted what he controlled to be shared with the forest.

It felt like a wall pushing back, holding that exchange, testing to see if he was committed.

Something in his mind pressed against him, and Kaen realized what it was.

Without hesitating, he drew his knife at his waist and brought it to his hand, slicing the palm and then piercing the bark of the tree.  He slammed his hand against the place he had cut and poured his desire out, drawing even more power to the point he couldn’t almost bear to gaze upon his hand.

And then the wall shattered.

The torrent of power that was raging inside him sprung like a river that had been held by a damn, now gone. It overflowed from every part of him, surging through the tree.

“It’s happening,” Sedel whispered, squeezing Ava’s hand tightly. “It’s actually happening!”

Ava watched, seeing nothing, but somehow, the hairs on her neck and arms began to rise as she felt something flowing through the forest.

More! I can give more!

Pammon’s voice and strength surged through him, and the tree took it all, sending that power through its roots that ran under the ground and connected to a world Kaen began to slowly see.

He glanced down and saw a network of life and magic flowing beneath the surface.  Beneath him was a sight he would struggle to describe as roots everywhere connected in a pattern he had never seen before.

Every part of him burned and hurt, yet Kaen had never felt more alive than he did in that moment.  He realized what had happened and why the forest needed him.  He had a purpose, and the promise he had made years ago was finally being fulfilled.

A little more! Finish this!

Kaen grunted as Pammon gave beyond what he should have.  He groaned as he felt his own life pouring from him.  At that moment, all he wanted was to fix one thing, to heal something he knew he could.  To fight back the darkness that had plagued so much of these lands for so long.

As he felt weak and like nothing was left, a pair of hands caught him, catching him as he fell backward toward the ground.

“I’ve got you, my love.”

Kaen smiled, hearing her voice and feeling her touch.

And then everything went dark, and he heard a loud thud before he passed out.


Opening his eyes, Kaen saw Ava watching him, sitting in a chair and smiling as she ran her fingers slowly over her stomach.

“Hey,” Kaen said, his voice a little raspy.

She chuckled and sat up, grabbing a cup of water and bringing it to his lips.  “Hey, yourself.  How are you feeling?”

Kaen took a drink and then sat up, cracking his neck and feeling out his body.

“I feel… good.  How long have I slept?”

“Oh… almost a full day.  You and Pammon were out after whatever it is you did.”

“A day?!” Kaen exclaimed, disbelieving that it was true.  “How?”

“That I can’t answer, but what I can say is just when I think I have figured you out, you and Pammon do something like this and surprise me.”

You’re awake, finally.  I guess I should have expected you to take longer to recover.

Kaen started to laugh, and Ava raised an eyebrow at him.


She nodded, setting the cup down from where she had taken it.

How are you feeling, and what did we do?

I feel remarkably well after giving all of my power and strength yesterday and even better after eating a few deer earlier today.  As for what we have done, you will have to see that for yourself.

Kaen looked at Ava, who had a smirk on her face.

“What am I missing?”

“Besides being a hero to these people? Go outside when you are ready.  Pammon and I agree you must see for yourself.”

Throwing back the blanket that had covered him, Kaen took the boots Ava held out and quickly put them on.

“Come with me?” he asked, holding his hand out to her.



They moved toward the cloth that covered the room he was in, and when Kaen stepped through and got his first glimpse of the forest beyond, he stumbled and stopped moving.

“Impossible,” Kaen whispered as Ava came up next to him.  “The forest it’s…”

“Alive.  Alive and well, thanks to whatever you did.”

Glancing down, Kaen realized they were in the highest part of the tallest tree.  He could see out over the entire forest, and the colors of the leaves were now a bright green. The air smelled better, and looking at the bark behind him, Kaen could tell it was improved, too.

“Let’s go down. There are so many waiting to see you.”


The trip from the top had taken thirty minutes as every elf they saw and passed ran over, bowing and giving him their thanks.

Kaen immediately saw the difference in each of them.  No longer did they look starving and weak, but now they looked as he remembered, strong and alive.

“How is this possible?”

“Sedel said she would tell you, and if you pay attention, she is waiting for you at the table below.”

Kaen glanced over the edge and saw that a large group was moving to sit at the table; this time, it was filled with food and fruits.

Looking at his wife, who smiled at him, Kaen leaned over and kissed her, wrapping his arms around her and pressing his lips against her.  He felt her hands rubbing up and down his back.


Kaen pulled back, wincing for a moment before laughing.  He saw Ava also chuckling, and both couldn’t help laughing the rest of the trip down.

Sorry, I got a little carried away.

I know… trust me, I know…


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