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Grace wanted to cry and sob, but inside her was something different.  Her mind knew there had been no other choice.  Max knew it.  He had told her before this started that he would handle the priestess.

The fact that Max had known how this would most likely play out since the moment she shared that quest angered her. Grace had told him she was concerned with losing a few stat points, and he said nothing, agreeing to this path even when he knew what it would cost.

That knowledge made her feel like a fool, trading something that had so little value compared to the man whose body was now a statue next to her.

Crying would do no good.  Instead, Grace had to live worthy of Max’s sacrifice.  Everything he had ever told her filled her in a way she hadn’t known was possible.

So many notifications fought for her attention, and Grace took one last look at her protector and rested a hand on his stone back.

“Find peace, Max, wherever you are. Remember me and watch over Levi.”

She then turned her attention to the red screens.


Quest Completed: Kill The Last Emmisary of Rahumstaph - You have claimed the honor of killing the last follower of Rahumstaph.


  • 10 points to each stat


Grace sighed, her brain knowing that something like this had happened.

Grace felt stronger and faster than ever before.  Her mind was able to recall most things immediately and with perfect clarity.  There was a connection, a mystical side she knew awaited her just a notification screen away.

It was how she had known Max knew this all along.


Quest Completed: Kill the Priestess - You have slain the priestess and her two acolytes.  Bonus rewards for an impossible feat.


  • 5 points to two stats


“I’ll rip your throat out for crap like this again,” Grace muttered as she looked up at the ceiling.  “You knew this was bull and what it would cost me.  Stop playing these games or find out what I might be willing to do.”

She hadn’t expected a response and didn’t care when nothing came.

Mental and Spiritual.

Her mind and connection to a world she had never known flowed through her.  Grace didn’t need to check; she already knew her stats, but a part of her wanted to see it.

[Simple Status]


Grace Akem

Age: 16


Senior Initiate of Balethem

Physical: 21

Mental: 23

Spiritual: 20


“I never would have imagined. I owe you more than I can repay Max.”

Her words echoed softly in the silent temple.

Checking another notification, Grace smiled.


Mental Threshold Reached x2

Perk Option Acquired - Choose 2 Perks

  • Force of Will
  • Battle Acuity
  • Advanced Learning


The three options didn’t seem fair, yet it did no good to complain, and it bothered Grace a little, knowing her emotional side was somehow affected by her new mental stat.

Mental note.  Make sure to treat Levi with the love and attention he needs.

Looking at the three choices, Grace considered how each might have their purpose, but the last one was the least needed for now.  Perhaps had she only reached a ten like she expected from the quest to kill the priestess, then she would have picked it.

Force of Will and Battle Acuity.


Force of Will Ability Granted: The user is unable to be affected by any mental attacks or abilities for thirty seconds.  The ability will activate independently if the user would succumb to an attack.  Has a four-hour cooldown.



Battle Acuity Ability Granted: The user can slow down the speed of battle by activating extra brain power.  The speed of an opponent's attack will appear to be moving at a quarter of its normal speed.  No additional speed is gained by the user beyond their normal ability.  The ability lasts five seconds in real-time and has a one-day cooldown.


A smile appeared as Grace knew how much potential each of those abilities would have in keeping her alive and safe.


Physical Threshold Reached

Perk Option Acquired - Choose a Perk

  • Regeneration
  • Thick Skinned
  • Reinforced Bones


Grace snorted and looked at the three choices, realizing that the first hard choice was upon her.

It took a moment as she considered all the options, yet only one seemed to be the obvious choice.



Regeneration Ability Granted: The user will now heal ten times the normal pace of natural healing.  Bones will mend within an hour. Natural resistance to disease, poison, and other effects is granted. Cannot regenerate limbs naturally.  The ability can be activated for thirty seconds.  During that time, all healing occurs at two hundred times the normal pace of natural recovery.  Bones will repair and mend within thirty seconds.  Cooldown is twenty-four hours.


Grimacing slightly, Grace would have preferred not to need the ability by being stronger against it, but Max had made it clear how powerful it could be.

Waiting was the last notification, and Grace was excited to see what might be there.


Spiritual Threshold Reached x2

Magical Mana Lines Open

Perk Option Acquired - Choose 2 Perks

  • Fireball Spell
  • Wind Blade Spell
  • Ice Spear Spell
  • Arcing Lightning Spell
  • Recall Spell


Grace shook her head in wonder at the options listed before her.

Magic… actual magic, and I can now use it.

The idea of magic seemed impossible for most of her life, yet now Grace knew it was real, and nothing else seemed to matter.

Choices like this were not easy, and each had advantages and disadvantages.  Four offensive spells and one that left Grace wondering what it could really mean.

Fire seemed great until you caught a house or someone else on fire, but that also could work in one's favor if they decided that was necessary.

Wind might be harder to see and dodge, but not knowing how wide or far it might go also left questions.

The ice spear seemed like a cool option. If she could hold it and use it like a weapon, she could always be armed.

Yet, with my physical stats right now, I’m not sure that matters…

The lightning one was off the table immediately.  Knowing it would arc meant it would be good for multiple enemies, but if the spell didn’t distinguish between friend and foe, it could quickly limit her use.

Wind Blade Spell.


Wind Blade Spell Granted: The user can form a magical blade that is difficult to see with the naked eye.  Blade size can be adjusted from six inches in length to three feet.  The shorter the blade is, the more power behind it.  It can be launched up to one hundred yards away and strikes with a power equal to the Spiritual stat divided by two. Travels faster than an arrow. Higher levels can cut through solid metal objects and solid stone.  Magical equipment may be impossible to penetrate depending upon the quality of it.  Up to four uses can be stored, and it takes four hours to regain one use.


Grace nodded, glad she had something that would allow her to cast at a single person.

With her offensive power chosen, she decided to gamble on the last option.

Recall Spell.


Recall Spell Granted: The user can set a home point and return to that point once a week if within range.  The range is determined by Spiritual spell times twenty miles. It takes one minute to set a home point.  Home point can be reset once every week.  The Recall spell takes the user, their items and anyone they are in contact with and within three feet of them.  Requires ten seconds to cast the spell.


Grace’s eyes went wide at the potential uses this spell had.  Being able to travel up to four hundred miles in a moment had a lot of possibilities.  The added perk of being able to take Levi was even better.

Knowing she was needed outside the temple, Grace turned, giving one last glance at her fallen mentor and walking toward the temple's exit.

I should be grateful that it is harder to acknowledge the pain I should feel for losing Max…



She shook her head and answered the question Marcus knew even before he asked it.

“The priestess was harder than I realized, and I’m afraid it cost him his life in order for us to kill her.”

A few gasps came from those standing guard outside of the manor. Those who knew the power of a priestess were shocked that Grace and Max had managed to accomplish that feat.

“He’s inside with three guards,” Marcus stated, moving past the obvious questions he had. “Are you certain you want to go inside by yourself?”

“All I need is your sword, and I shall return soon. Judging by the numbers I see here, we managed to escape mostly unscathed.”

The older man nodded at her and frowned as he drew his sword from his sheath.

“Thank you, Marcus,” Grace said, taking the sword he held out and started appraising it.  “You have a remarkable sword.  I guess that means I should ask sometime who you fought for and why you quit.”

Coughing, the man shook his head, surprised by Grace’s statement.  “Are you ok? You’re–”

“Different? Yes, it’s because of what I am and my growth.  I am sorry, but the emotional girl who was before you today is not here.  All I see are the different options to end this path we are on.  I think you would agree. Max would prefer us to set the course for a new tomorrow, and all it takes is me going in there and ending the man’s life that caused so much of our pain.”

Marcus’s eyes were wider than usual, and Grace saw his pupils dilate slightly, his jaw muscles tightening as the man tried to absorb what she said.

Use emotion… find a way… otherwise, it will be harder to get things done…

Grace grinned, forcing herself to do so, knowing it was what this moment needed.

“I’ll be back, I promise,” Grace said as she gave Marcus a gentle squeeze on the arm.  “After that, we can go from there.  Just do me a favor and make sure Levi is ok.”

He nodded, responding better to her tone and smile.

Grace strode toward the doorway of the keep. The door was gone from its hinges.

“Lord Knight!” Grace shouted as she stood outside the door for a moment, flicking her head quickly into the opening and back.

Closing her eyes for just a moment, Grace saw the room perfectly.

Inside the grand entrance were the three guards and their leader.  A large table was overturned in the middle, and each guard had a bow and arrow ready and prepared to draw.  The Lord Knight stood behind them in plate armor, holding a sword and shield, the mark of Grimdom on it.

Flowers were strewn on the floor, broken vases nearby.  Chairs had been flung forward to create a barrier for those who came in, and two laps were near the door to help them see anyone who made it past the kill zone they had set up.  It was a flawless defense in a place they controlled.  No doubt there were traps and other warning spots to let them know if someone came in a different way.

“Surrender now, and I’ll make this death quick and painless,” Grace shouted through the doorway.  “Or don’t, and I’ll enjoy extracting my revenge for all that you’ve done to me and my family.”
Laughter came from inside the hall, and Grace could imagine the looks on the men’s faces.  She had no doubts they expected to hold out and survive.  After all, they had an emissary of Grimdom with them.

“Grumbderd, who do you think you are, child?” the Lord Knight called out. “I’ve spent generations growing stronger, and you are just a child! I will do horrible things to you and then find your brother again and make him watch me kill him slowly.”

Grace couldn’t help but smile.  It made sense he wouldn’t give up, but a part of her felt it was better to offer it.  Now, she felt no remorse for what she was about to do.


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